EZ Exporter: Order Metafields Now Available

Order Metafields support has been added to EZ Exporter. Together with Product Metafields and Product Variant Metafields, EZ Exporter now provides you with a way to pull pretty much any data you can think of from your orders and generate your own custom CSV reports.

As usual, you can specify your own column names and their position in the exported file.

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EZ Exporter: Product Variant Metafields Now Available

EZ Exporter has had the ability to export Product Metafields for some time now, but not Product Variants. We've recently finally added support to export Product Variant Metafields.

This option allows Shopify store owners to export custom field data they've added to their product variants. In addition, other standard Shopify fields that Shopify themselves store in the Product Variant Metafields, such as the HS Tariff code, can now be exported as well.

To export the HS Tariff Code assigned to …

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