How To Parse Multiple Values In A Single Column
EZ Fulfill requires that you provide all your order data in separate rows. For example, if you're fulfilling your orders by SKU, you must provide multiple rows with a single SKU.
If your file contains multiple values in a single column, you can use our column parser to separate the values into multiple rows. You can set this up in your Data Feed by specifying the column name containing multiple values and the delimiter you want to generate the additional rows.
You can add additional parsers if you want to parse more than one column using the Add More button. We allow a max of 5 parsers per Data Feed.
In the above example, if you were to set up a parser for your SKU and quantity fields, your file might look something like this:
Once the file has been parsed and run, you'll see an ignored row and two newly generated rows in your activity log that were created by the parser:
The ignored row is the original row in your file; EZ Fulfill will skip this row when fulfilling your orders. It's left in the activity log as an indicator that two rows were generated from this row.
Multiple Parsers
If you provide multiple parsers, EZ Fulfill will generate multiple rows for each value found in each column. For example, if you were to add a parser for the SKU and Quantity, and two SKUs and two quantity values were found, four rows would be generated. Three rows would be generated if you provided two SKUs and one Quantity value.
If you are working with multiple parsers and do not provide the same number of values in each column, blank values will be added for each additional row that's missing a value. However, if a single value is found in the column, it will be used for the newly generated rows(parsed or not).
Parser Types
We only allow you to split columns using a single delimiter. The Split Column parser type will look for the delimiter you provide in the specified column and split the values by the delimiter. The number of rows generated will match the number of values split. Each additional column mapped in the file will be duplicated for each new row generated.
Delimiter In Your Column Values
When choosing a delimiter, you MUST ensure the delimiter you use is not found in the actual values. For example, if you are using a dash to split multiple SKUs in a single column, the SKU can not have a dash. In this example, if you have a dash in the actual SKU, the SKU itself will be parsed, causing an error during fulfillment.
Your delimiter must be unique to separating the values in the column.
Spaces In Your Delimiter
When parsing values, spaces will be ignored. When saving your delimiter on your Data Feed, leading and trailing spaces are removed and will be ignored on parsed values. For example, if you have a column with multiple SKUs and a comma separates them, all spaces found after the comma will be removed when parsing. You do not have to worry about adding spaces to your delimiters or spaces in the parsed values. They will all be stripped during processing.
App: EZ Fulfill
Tags: advanced features, fulfillment, data feeds