How To Update Fulfilled Orders

Sometimes, you may have a fulfilled order that doesn't have tracking numbers when fulfilling orders. EZ Fulfill can help with this by using our updated fulfilled orders or overwriting fulfilled orders options.

Data Feed Settings

When creating a new Data Feed, the Update Fulfilled & Partially Fulfilled Orders option is enabled by default.  If you do not want to update orders already marked fulfilled, click this checkbox to disable the feature.  This option, enabled by default, will allow you to add tracking numbers that have already been marked fulfilled but do not have a tracking number associated with the order.


There are two options here.  The first is the Update fulfilled orders option.  When enabled, EZ Fulfill will look for the first fulfillment (by the date it was created) on the order without tracking numbers.  The first fulfillment found on the order without tracking numbers will be updated with the tracking numbers found on your file.

If you choose the overwrite Fulfillment option, EZ Fulfill will look for the first fulfillment (by the date it was created) without tracking numbers.  If there are no fulfillments or missing tracking numbers, then the first fulfillment created will have its tracking numbers overwritten. 

You can only select one of these two options.  Overwriting your tracking numbers works the same as updating your tracking numbers. Still, if a tracking number is found on the fulfillment, it will be overwritten instead of returning an error.

Read below to fully understand how your fulfillments are updated if you are fulfilling your orders by the order or the SKU.

Update Fulfilled Orders By Order (SKU not mapped)

When updating orders fulfilled by the order (meaning you do NOT map the SKU and quantity fields), EZ Fulfill will look for fulfillments without a tracking number.  If you have multiple fulfillments on an order, the first fulfillment created without a tracking number will add the tracking numbers. 

EZ Fulfill does not consider any line item or SKU data; it will look for fulfillment without tracking numbers.  You must update your fulfillments by SKU and quantity to update a specific fulfillment.

Overwrite Fulfilled Orders By Order (SKU not mapped)

When overwriting your tracking numbers, EZ Fulfill will look for the first fulfillment created on the order and replace the tracking information you provided for that fulfillment on your order.  You can not specify the fulfillment id or other fields to identify the fulfillment you wish to overwrite.  Since you are mapping by the order number, EZ Fulfill must make assumptions when there are multiple fulfillments, and it will update the tracking information on the first fulfillment created on the order. 

When overwriting your tracking numbers, if a fulfillment does not have any associated tracking numbers, EZ Fulfill will update that fulfillment before overwriting any fulfillments with tracking numbers.  This option works similarly to the update tracking number by order feature, except it will overwrite tracking numbers on the fulfillment if all fulfillments already have a tracking number.  Please make sure you run a test if this is a concern.  Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Update Partially Fulfilled Orders By Order

When updating partially fulfilled orders, EZ Fulfill will fulfill the remainder of the order with any line items that are not yet fulfilled.  EZ Fulfill will not update any existing fulfillments if the fulfillment does not have tracking numbers.  It simply tries to fulfill the rest of the order.  

Overwriting Partially Fulfilled Orders By Order

We do not support overwriting any tracking data on partially fulfilled orders.  If this option is selected and a partial fulfillment is found, EZ Fulfill will create a new fulfillment with the remaining line items on your order.  Partially fulfilled orders are treated the same as the updated partially fulfilled orders by order feature.

Updating Fulfilled Orders By SKU

When updating fulfilled orders by SKU, EZ Fulfill will look for the first fulfillment found (by the date the fulfillment was created) with the SKU and quantity you provided.  It will then update the first fulfillment found with your provided tracking information.  If your order has a single fulfillment and you provide all the SKUs on the fulfillment, EZ Fulfill will use the tracking information on the first SKU in your file and ignore the rest.

If you provide multiple SKUs and quantities from different fulfillments on your order, EZ Fulfill will update the first fulfillment found with each SKU and quantity.  This way, you can update different fulfillments based on the SKU found on your fulfillments.

Overwrite Fulfilled Orders By SKU

This feature works similarly to the Updating Fulfilled Orders By SKU feature.  It'll look for any fulfillments with the SKU and quantity provided without tracking numbers.  Suppose all fulfillments with the SKU and quantity you provided have tracking numbers. In that case, EZ Fulfill will look for the first fulfillment with the SKU and quantity you provided and overwrite that fulfillment tracking data.

You may provide multiple SKUs and quantities for the order, just like in the Update Fulfilled Order By SKU feature.

Update Partially Fulfilled Orders By SKU

This feature works as it does without the update flag set.   Partially fulfilled orders will have the tracking numbers added to fulfillments with the SKU and quantity found.  If the same SKU and quantity are found on multiple fulfillments, it'll only fulfill fulfillment orders that have not been fulfilled or error out.

Overwrite Partially Fulfilled Orders By SKU

This feature works as it does without the overwrite flag set.  Partially fulfilled orders will have the tracking numbers updated on fulfillments with the SKU and quantity found.  If the same SKU and quantity are found on multiple fulfillments, it'll only fulfill fulfillment orders that have not been fulfilled or error out.

App: EZ Fulfill

Tags: fulfillment, tracking numbers, ez fulfill, fulfilled orders