Send Email Notifications On Fulfillment Errors
We allow you to set up notifications if there are any errors during your fulfillment. Our notification system will send an email to all email addresses you setup in the email settings section of the app.
Setting Up Your Notifications
You can have up to 5 email addresses configured to retrieve notifications. To configure your email addresses click the email settings menu on the left hand menu bar. This will bring you to the Notifications settings section of the app.
As you can see above, there are three input boxes. You can setup the first name, last name and email address of the person you want notified. The first and last name fields are optional.
If you want to add more than one email address, simply click the Add More button to add up to 5 email addresses. If you do not add any email addresses to your notifications settings, the email address that owns your Shopify store will get all notifications.
Send Email Notification If Fulfillment Has Errors
There are two ways you can configure your email notifications, the first will send you an email if your fulfillment has an error OR if a row is skipped in your file. To configure this, simply select the Email If Feed Has Errors option on your Data Feed.
This will send an email notification, to the email addressed configured in your notifications settings, if there is an error fulfilling any orders in your file, if any rows are skipped in your file or if there is an error trying to retrieve your file from your FTP, SFTP server, Dropbox and Amazon S3.
Review the Notifiable Errors section below for more details on which errors will trigger an alert email.
Email If Feed Has Errors, Ignore Skipped Rows
You can also configure your email notifications to ignore skipped rows. There are many times when you expect to have rows skipped in your file, which means you'll get an email every time the fulfillment runs. This can clutter your inbox and make it hard to identify when there are errors you care about.
You can configure your email notifications to send emails when your fulfillment has errors but ignore the skipped rows by selecting the Email If Feed Has Errors, Ignore Skipped Rows option on your Data Feed.
This option will also send an email notification to the email address configured in your notification settings. You can review the Notifiable Errors section to see which errors you will get email alerts, but remember when this option is enabled you WILL NOT get an email alert if a row is skipped in your file.
Notifiable Errors
Email notifications will be sent for the following types of errors:
- Any type of error during fulfillment. One example would be if an order is marked fulfilled or if you're fulfilling by SKU and the SKU does not exist on the order.
- If an order is skipped from your file. There are a few different reasons an order may be skipped while being read from your file. You will be alerted if an order is skipped.
- If there is an error connecting to your FTP/SFTP server, Dropbox or Amazon S3. You will get an email if there are errors logging in or connecting to your server, Dropbox share or Amazon S3.
- If there is an error cleaning up your file after it's been processed. You will get an email if you have the post process configuration setup on your data feed and there is an error moving/renaming the file.
There are a few situations where you will not receive an error when your fulfillment file is being processed:
- If the file or file pattern (if you're using wild cards) is not found. We do not consider a file not found an error as there are many valid situations when a file not found is expected.
- If Shopify is down or having connectivity errors. There are times when the Shopify API is down or throwing errors. We will not send alerts for these types of errors as our team will be notified of the problem and will take action if needed.
- If EZ Fulfill has an unexpected error. We work hard to test our software manually and use automated testing but there are times where EZ Fulfill may throw an unexpected error. During these times, our team will be alerted of the problem, resolve the issue and take any actions needed.
If you have further questions about what errors you will be notified about, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Manual Fulfillment
At this time, if you have the Email If Feed has Errors checkbox checked you will get email notifications when performing manual uploads. This is for both manual fulfillments as well as running a scheduled fulfillment manually. For both cases you will get email notifications.
If you have any other questions or concerns about how our notification system works, please feel free to contact us.
App: EZ Fulfill
Tags: email, notifications, ez fulfill