Much Ado About SKUs

Whether you're a long standing e-commerce store or a new one, there are a few things that you know are important to maintaining organization within your store. This is true for e-commerce or brick-and-mortar as well. No matter the medium, no matter the length of time in business, there are a few things to which all stores should adhere. In this case, if you have any sort of inventory that you're moving, having a SKU system in place is one …

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Ecommerce Metrics Every Store Owner Should be Using

Sometimes, as a store owner, you can feel like you're floundering. You may not know where to start determining what is the best measurement of the success of your store. Is it enough to simply determine your profit margin? Is that the endgame or is there more to it all? Well, at the very least, I will say operating an e-commerce store is like moving a wheel. There are many moving parts, so monitoring only one spoke on the wheel …

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Weighing In On Bitcoin

We are in the future.

Where we once had to have physical cash, like the cotton in your wallet or the plastic card which is a physical representation of the money you're borrowing, to do things, we are now seeing a slight turn of events. Something else is trying to take its place. Something we don't physically touch, but exists in the ether. At this point I'm sure many people have heard of cryptocurrency, more importantly, Bitcoin.

What is Bitcoin? …

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Drip Campaigns for Cart Abandonment

I'm still guilty of it and I'm sure many others still are too. You may even be guilty of it. The "it" I'm referring to is cart abandonment.There are countless ways to avoid this happening, some of which I have covered in the past. It still happens, but hopefully it's happening less than it did previously.

I may have mentioned before that nearly 70% of all consumers abandon their carts at one point or another during the checkout process. …

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YouTube as an SEO Strategy for Your Ecommerce Business

Visibility is as important to your business as making a profit, if not more so. At the risk of sounding like my mother, if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. If you're not ensuring the visibility of your page on search engines like Google, which is the king of all search engines, then you're making your job that much more difficult. Search engine optimization (SEO) is half of the battle for most companies, but it's far …

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