EZ Exporter Update: New Product and Inventory Fields

We've added new fields to EZ Exporter's product exports.

New Product Category Fields

category.full_name Category Full Name (type: text). The full name of the taxonomy category. For example, Animals & Pet Supplies > Pet Supplies > Dog Supplies > Dog Beds.
category.name Category Name (type: text). The name of the taxonomy category. For example, Dog Beds.

Sample Output:

New Inventory Quantity Fields

In the past, only the "available" quantity was available for export.  This update now allows …

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EZ Exporter Update: Migration to Shopify's New GraphQL Product APIs Complete

EZ Exporter has been successfully migrated to use the new Shopify GraphQL Product APIs which provide support for up to 2048 (aka 2K) variants per product.  This means that our app will be able to export more than 100 variants per product (the current variant limit) once this option for the increased variant limit has been enabled on your Shopify store.

While the way GraphQL fields are formatted is different from REST (camel case vs snake case), we kept the …

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EZ Exporter Update: Export Content of "Additional Information" From a Shopify Order

Some countries require additional data such as customs information or tax identification numbers when shipping internationally.

Some examples:

  • Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) or Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) for Brazil 
  • People's Republic of China Resident Identity Card for China
  • Personal Customs Clearance Code (PCCC) for South Korea
  • Codice Fiscale (CF) and Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) for Italy

The "Additional Information" section of the Shopfy Admin's order detail page will display these additional fields:

We've pushed an update to  …

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EZ Exporter Update: Export Delivery Instructions From a Shopify Order

Shopify recently added the "Delivery Instructions" information to the 2024-07 release of the Shopify REST API.

This is the optional information that the customer entered on the Shopify checkout page when choosing "Local Delivery" for the shipping:

In the Shopify Admin, this is displayed at the top right of the order detail page:

We've updated EZ Exporter so you can now include this information as part of your Shopify order CSV or Excel export.  You can select the following fields …

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EZ Exporter Update: New Order Risk Assessment Fields

Shopify has deprecated the Order Risk endpoints starting from the 2024-04 version of the REST and GraphQL APIs in favor of a new Order Risk Assessment endpoint.

We've pushed an update to EZ Exporter to support this new endpoint and the following fields can now be selected when creating a Data Settings for Shopify Order data.

risk.assessments Risk Assessments (type: text). The risk assessments for the order in JSON format.
risk.assessments.facts Risk Assessments - Facts (type: text). Optional …
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