EZ Exporter Update: Export Content of "Additional Information" From a Shopify Order

Some countries require additional data such as customs information or tax identification numbers when shipping internationally.

Some examples:

  • Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) or Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) for Brazil 
  • People's Republic of China Resident Identity Card for China
  • Personal Customs Clearance Code (PCCC) for South Korea
  • Codice Fiscale (CF) and Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) for Italy

The "Additional Information" section of the Shopfy Admin's order detail page will display these additional fields:

We've pushed an update to EZ Exporter that allows this information to be exported.

To extract this data and include it in your Shopify order export, you can use the following formulas in the Calculated Fields:

Export Title & Value:

"\n".join([i.title + ": " + i.value for i in load_json_data({{ localization_extensions }})])

Export Value Only:

get_attribute_value({{ localization_extensions }}, "value")

Sample Output:

You can find a list of supported countries here.

Tags: new features, ez exporter, shopify international orders