Link Your Line Items By Barcode When Importing Orders With EZ Importer

When importing orders, it's important to link the line items on your orders to the products you have set up in your Shopify admin.  Shopify does this for you when orders are purchased from your cart.   When creating orders from external sources, you may want to match the line item on your orders to its product.

EZ Importer allows you to do this by the product and variant ID or the product SKU.  With our latest release, you can now …

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EZ Importer: Using Your Products Price on Import

We've recently updated our Shopify order importing app, EZ Importer, to allow you to use your products price when importing orders. This allows you to use the price on the product you're importing instead of providing a price in the CSV file you're uploading.

EZ Importer allows you to match your products SKU with the line items on the order. This allows you to link your orders line items with the products in your store. If you want to use …

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EZ Importer: Obey Inventory Policy When Reducing Inventory

We recently launched a new feature that allows you to obey your inventory's policy when importing orders with EZ Importer. It's a request we've had from many customers who use our inventory management feature when importing orders. Before we launched this feature if you reduced your products inventory on import and that products inventory was 0 the order would still import and still reduce your products inventory bringing it below 0. For many customers this doesn't make sense.

When …

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Reduce Inventory When Importing Your Orders

We've recently released a Beta feature in EZ Importer that allows you to reduce product inventory when importing orders. This has come up a lot recently while talking with customers, and it's something we felt would be valuable.

The feature is intended for customers who are doing regular imports opposed to one time imports. At this time the feature is only available upon request. If this is a feature you're interested in please contact us so we can add you …

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Match Shopify Orders by SKU

When importing orders, with EZ Importer, many of our customers want to link the order with the product purchased. Previously the only way to do this was to map the Shopify product and variant id in the import. This can be difficult as very few customers will have the Shopify id readily available. A better solutions is to map the product to the order by the product SKU.

By default this feature is turned off because it can slow …

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