EZ Importer Now Supports Importing Draft Orders

With our latest EZ Importer release, you can import Draft Orders into your Shopify store. This allows you to import orders that have yet to be paid or are incomplete. Many of our customers take orders from outside sources on behalf of customers, and importing them as draft orders gives you much more flexibility to make changes later.

Importing Draft Orders works similarly to Orders, but some key differences exist.  The import process itself is the same. However, there are …

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EZ Importer's Predefined CSV Templates Now Support Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Orders

In order to help get you started, EZ Importer has a set of predefined templates for merchants not migrating from another platform or Shopify store.  Previously, when importing orders using these templates, the orders would always be marked fulfilled.  We've recently updated the templates to work with Fulfilled and unfulfilled orders, or you can map your fulfillment status.

Selecting Your Fulfillment Status

Our predefined templates do the data mapping for you and allow you to download the CSV file with the mapped …

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Add Metafields To Your Orders Using EZ Importer

EZ Importer, our Shopify app that allows you to import orders from CSV files to Shopify, now allows you to add order Metafields to your orders.  Adding Metafields to your order is a configuration option similar to the way you replace values in your file or if you want to add default fields.

Data Mapping Configuration

To add Metafields to your order, open the Metafields Configuration section of your data mapping and add the Metafield you want to add, …

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EZ Importer Update: Buyer Accepts Marketing and Tracking Number Changes

As of April 2022, Shopify has changed how the customer accepts marketing flag works and has updated to a modern fulfillment workflow. This has two effects on EZ Importer; we now need to make a second call to Shopify when using the buyer_accepts_marketing flag and we no longer support adding multiple tracking numbers to orders.

Buyer Accepts Marketing

Shopify has migrated the customer.accepts_marketing flag to two new fields called email_marketing_consent.state and email_marketing_consent.opt_in_level. At this time EZ Importer doesn't …

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Import Orders Using Our Prebuilt CSV Templates

One of the hardest parts about importing orders into Shopify using CSV files is the formatting of the file.  Our app, EZ Importer, has a flexible mapping system that works for the majority of use-cases (as long as the file's first row is a header row with column names and line items are on a separate row). Another big hurdle is getting started with a CSV file, especially if you're NOT importing orders from another Shopify store or platform.  …

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