EZ Exporter: January 2023 Updates

Below is a list of features we've added to EZ Exporter in January.

Ignoring filters for selected records is now optional

In the past, when selecting orders in the Shopify Admin and using the "Export selected with EZ Exporter" option, the app automatically ignored all Filters and Custom Filters.

The reason for this is the user is already selecting specific records to export, so it could cause confusion if the filters in the Data Settings are also applied.

However, there were …

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Release on Hold Orders with EZ Fulfill

You can now release orders on hold using EZ Fulfill.  Releasing orders can be done by enabling the Release Orders On Hold Data Feed configuration.  We've set this up as a configuration as some merchants may not want orders released based on the presence of the order in their uploaded file.  

Configuring Orders To Be Released

Releasing orders that are on hold in your Shopify admin is straightforward.  Go to the Data Feed you're using to fulfill your orders …

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EZ Inventory: Advanced Date and Time Variable Options

EZ Inventory has supported date and time variables in the filename/file paths, URLs, and filters for some time now.  You can use the variables {{ YYYY }}, {{ MM }}, {{ DD }}, and {{ HH }}.

We've encountered a few cases where these aren't enough, however.  So we've added a new variable called {{ current_datetime }} which extends this functionality further.  With this new variable, you can include additional parameters to specify more advanced formatting, add or subtract days, and overwrite the …

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EZ Inventory: Using Formulas for Mapping Product Variants in Shopify

EZ Inventory has supported using formulas for inventory quantity updates for quite some time now.  This allowed our users to use conditional logic and other data manipulation against their supplier feed's data when updating the quantity in Shopify.

We've just pushed an update to extend this functionality for mapping items from their supplier's feed to product variants in their Shopify store.  This option is now available in the Data Feed settings:

Since most merchants don't have the option to modify or customize …

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Fulfill Your Orders without Column Headers Using EZ Fulfill

EZ Fulfill requires a header row as the first row when processing CSV or Excel data feeds.  The header row maps fields, filters source data, replaces values in your file and parses source data.

Not every feed is created equal, and many don't have a header row.  Getting your supplier or 3PL to change their format can sometimes be difficult because they serve so many customers.  Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to fulfill your orders …

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