EZ Exporter: Functions for Handling Special Characters in Your Shopify Data

Some time ago, we've had a few EZ Exporter customers tell us that their suppliers need the CSV data sent to them without any special characters.

It seems that they may be using pretty old systems that only support ASCII encoding instead of the now more standard UTF-8 encoding.

With e-commerce, especially, you pretty much can't really avoid these special characters as you'll have customers buying from you all over the world. Their names might contain Greek characters or accented …

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EZ Exporter: Backup and Restore Now Available

One of our customers recently contacted us to see if there's an easy way to copy the Data Settings from one Shopify store to another as they were about to create two additional stores and will need the same setup with EZ Exporter.

We can definitely see the pain point of having to re-setup all those settings as some of our customers have pretty complex CSVs with formulas and custom fields. Looking at our data, we actually noticed that …

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Additional CSV File Options: "Quoting" and "Line Terminator"

We've recently added two new options to EZ Exporter when exporting your Shopify data to a CSV file: the type of "Quoting" to use and the "Line Terminator" for each row.

EZ Exporter's default for generating a CSV file is pretty standard and works with the majority of other apps and systems out there. However, there are systems that are very specific with how to read a CSV file. We added these options as a couple of our customers have …

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Export Shopify Fulfillment Events

Shopify's Fulfillment Events are basically the data displayed on the Order Status Page to update customers on the status of their shipment.

With EZ Exporter, you can now export this data to a CSV file. The data is joined with the order data so you can quickly see in one report all the order information associated with each event.

When you go to the Order Data Settings, you will now see a bunch of new selectable fields that start …

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EZ Exporter: Field Sorting Now Available

We've just added an option to EZ Exporter to allow our users to set a default field to sort by. There's an option to select in which order to sort the field as well (ascending or descending).

This should hopefully save our users one additional step if they're manually sorting their Shopify CSVs after an export. The sorting options are available in Order, Customer, and Product exports.

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