Link Your Line Items By Barcode When Importing Orders With EZ Importer

When importing orders, it's important to link the line items on your orders to the products you have set up in your Shopify admin.  Shopify does this for you when orders are purchased from your cart.   When creating orders from external sources, you may want to match the line item on your orders to its product.

EZ Importer allows you to do this by the product and variant ID or the product SKU.  With our latest release, you can now …

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Add Metafields To Your Orders Using EZ Importer

EZ Importer, our Shopify app that allows you to import orders from CSV files to Shopify, now allows you to add order Metafields to your orders.  Adding Metafields to your order is a configuration option similar to the way you replace values in your file or if you want to add default fields.

Data Mapping Configuration

To add Metafields to your order, open the Metafields Configuration section of your data mapping and add the Metafield you want to add, …

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Duplicate Your Orders Using The Shopify Admin

Duplicating a single Shopify Order is pretty straight forward and we think done most efficiently using the Shopify admin.  It works with the click of a few buttons and you can review the order before performing the duplication.

Duplicate From The Order Admin

To duplicate your orders, you need to first navigate to the order you want to duplicate.  At the time of this writing, Shopify doesn't have a way to duplicate orders in bulk or from the list page.  …

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Delete Individual Orders Imported With EZ Importer

When importing orders into Shopify with EZ Importer, whether it's from another platform or from orders you've taken at your Brick and Mortar store, it's tough to get all of the data aligned.  There are so many different data points and sometimes you may notice problems with the data in you've import after it's been imported.  Becuase of this, we try and make it as easy as possible to remove orders you've imported. 

We even add the credits used from …

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Prevent Duplicate Orders When Importing To Shopify

In the past we've recommended merchants check their file for duplicate orders before importing them into Shopify.  We still think this is a good practice but we're excited to announce that you can now prevent duplicate orders from being created in your Shopify store with EZ Importer.  

Importing your orders can be stressful, whether you're migrating from another platform or your just importing orders from another sales channel.  There are so many things to think about, like ensuing your …

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