Can I Fulfill Orders Placed Via Facebook Or Instagram?

Meta requires an order to be marked as fulfilled before it will allow Shopify to capture payment for the order.  EZ Fulfill can help you manage the automation of marking your orders fulfilled and changing the payment status when orders are placed via Facebook or Instagram and captured by Shopify.

Shopify Workflow For Third-Party Marketplaces

Shopify has a particular workflow when working with third-party marketplaces; walking you through the workflow is beyond the scope of this article, but Shopify does a great job explaining it here.

The two areas where EZ Fulfill can help are marking the order fulfilled and setting the payment status.   The payment status should be set to authorized and may have a status of pending or success.  EZ Fulfill can update these statuses while marking your order fulfilled.

Marking Your Order Paid

Enable the Mark Order Paid configuration option on your data feed to have EZ Fulfill make your order paid.

This is all you have to do; once the order has an authorized transaction, it will mark the order paid.  EZ Fulfill does not set the order amount, so a new transaction will be created using the amount from the pending transaction.  It's important to know that EZ Fulfill does not change your customer's credit card; it simply creates a new transaction record and assumes payment was captured already.  For a complete breakdown of how this works, read our documentation here.

EZ Fulfill is file-based, meaning you do need to provide a CSV or Excel file with the Shopify order number in one of the columns.  Our mapping system is highly flexible and allows you to use any column names you choose, or if your supplier doesn't use column names, you can use the column positions.  We also allow you to upload tracking numbers, add notes or even tag your orders.

Automating Your Fulfillment

You can automate this process using our scheduler to read files from an FTP/SFTP server, Dropbox, or Amazon S3.  If you manage the fulfillment yourself or work with a supplier, as long as you have one of these services running, EZ Fulfill can work with them.  Our scheduler allows you to schedule your fulfillment to run as frequently as every 1 hour.  

Some merchants prefer to upload their files manually, which we support as well.

App: EZ Fulfill

Tags: faq, transactions, marketplace