How Can I Edit My Data Mapping with My Csv Column Headings?
When editing your data mapping, you may notice that sometimes there is a drop down menu that appears in the Header Name section of the data mapping and sometimes it's just a text field.
Because Data Mappings can be used on multiple file uploads, the Data Mapping itself isn't tied to a single file. So in order to edit your Data Mapping with the column headers in your CSV file, you'll need to edit the Data Mapping from one of your previous imports/file uploads.
Edit Your Data Mapping Using A Previously Uploaded File
In order to get the column names in your CSV file to show up in your Data Mapping, you'll need to click the edit Data Mapping link in one of two places. The first and easiest place is from the EZ Importer Dashboard/Home page. When you log into EZ Importer, you'll see a link to your Data Mapping in the list of uploaded/imported files.
Clicking the link in the Data Mapping column will bring you to your Data Mappings edit page. From here you'll be able to edit your data mapping and you'll be able to select the CSV column headers from a drop down list. Just remember that editing the Data Mapping has no affect on the import itself. Since the import has already used the Data Mapping to read the file, any further edits to the Data Mapping will have no affect on files that were already uploaded.
The second place you can edit your Data Mapping using a previously uploaded file is from one of your imports Review Import pages. On the Review Import page you'll see the Data Mapping used for that import. Underneath the Data Mapping name, you'll see some text explaining that editing your Data Mapping will not affect the current import. Next to that you should see an edit link which will bring you to the Data Mappings edit page.
One last thing to remember when editing your Data Mapping from a previously uploaded file. If the file could not be read or if the file was empty the edit Data Mapping page will still load but the drop downs will not be populated and a text box will appear. Meaning you will have to edit the Header Names by hand. So make sure the file was properly read before trying to edit your Data Mapping.
App: EZ Importer
Tags: ez importer, faq, data mappings