Fraud Analysis says a payment request was attempted. Did you try and charge my customer?
When importing orders you may notice the fraud analysis on your order in Shopify says "There was 1 payment attempt". This is actually normal behavio…
When importing orders you may notice the fraud analysis on your order in Shopify says "There was 1 payment attempt". This is actually normal behavio…
When importing orders you can upload transaction data to keep track of any money that was exchanged on the order. When creating a transaction you ca…
The first thing you need to do is mark the financial status as refunded. This will mark the order as refund. To get the order to show up in the repo…
If you get an error on your import that says "Transactions is invalid', 'transactions Amount must be greater than zero for sale transactions", this m…
There are two issues to resolve here. The first thing you need to do is map the fulfillment status for your line items. Even though you've provided…
Suppose you've successfully run your import and correctly mapped the customer and transaction data, but your customers' lifetime spending is …
You may notice the date you use when importing your order (the date you assign to the processed_at field on the Order Details tab…
When importing orders with a financial_status of Authorized, Shopify may mark the order expired instead of leaving the status as …
You WILL NOT be charged transaction fees from Shopify when importing orders. When importing orders, we never charge your customers. We do not capture…