My Order Date And Paid At Date Are Incorrect On My Orders Timeline.
You may notice the date you use when importing your order (the date you assign to the processed_at field on the Order Details tab) does not match the date on the orders timeline.
This is because Shopify displays the created_at field on the timeline instead of the processed_at field. So when importing an order with a different date from when the order is imported, the dates on the Order and the Timeline in Shopify will not match even though you have correctly imported your fields.
The created_at field is a ready-only field that Shopify populates when the order is created in their database.
Transaction Paid At Timeline
The same is true for the transaction processed_at field. When you associate a transaction with your order, you can set the processed_at field as the date the transaction was processed.
However, Shopify displays the created_at field in the timeline when displaying the date and time the transaction was paid (this is also known as the Paid At field). As you can see below the transaction date and time is displayed using the created_at field and not the processed_at field.
We understand this is frustrating and can cause confusion, however there isn't much we can do about it as Shopify does not allow us to write to the created_at fields. If you have further questions about this please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know.
If things change in the future we'll be sure to update this article.
App: EZ Importer
Tags: orders, transactions, order timeline