I am getting an error that says line_items Title can not be blank. How do I solve this?
Shopify requires all orders to have line items associated with them. When importing line items the following fields are required
- Title
- Price
- Quantity
The line_item title field should be filled in with the product title. We default the title header to "Lineitem title" which is the same header used by the Shopify csv export tool. If you are using another header name for your product title you can easily change the Header Name in your data mapping.
To do this, click on your "Data Mapping" for the import. Once you are there click on the "Line Items" tab. From here you can set the "Header Name" for the line_items.title "Shopify Field".
Once you've updated the "Header Name" you can click the Update button and begin your import.
If you don't have the product title in your CSV but you do have the SKU you can leave the line_items.title field blank and let Shopify populate the title from your Product. To learn more about this feature click here.
App: EZ Importer
Tags: faq, line items, orders, ez importer error