What is the "Order Name" and why do I need it?
Order Name is a Shopify field that is a unique name represented by a number. EZ Importer uses this field to help uniquely identify an order in your import file. In the Data Mapping section of EZ Importer, this field is called order number to try and prevent confusion. Many new customers get confused with what the order name is, so we've labeled this field order number (since it represents your order number).
Importing Orders Without An Order Number
At this time EZ Importer does not allow you to import an order if the order number (i.e. order name) field is blank. If you do an import and the value in the column (in your CSV file) you've mapped to the order number is blank, you'll get an error message from EZ Importer.
If you do not have an order number you can create a new column in your CSV file, add a sequence of numbers in that column and map the new column to the order number field on your data mapping. You'll also want to click the configuration option to let Shopify generate the order number for you. You can read more about this here.
Orders With Multiple Line Items
If you have orders in your CSV file that have multiple line items, they need to be in separate rows and have the same Order Number (i.e. order name). EZ importer assumes any rows that have the same order number (column you have mapped to the order number field).
If your file has multiple orders with the same Order Name (i.e. order number) EZ Importer assumes this is one order with multiple line items.
App: EZ Importer
Tags: faq, fields, line items, order name, getting started, order number