My Customer Name is Duplicated. How can I fix it?
If you've imported a file and noticed your customers name is duplicated (meaning the last name is showing up twice), this is most likely because you have incorrectly mapped your customers name fields. The first thing to do is to review your customers data in your Shopify admin.
As you can see, our customer Led Dent has his last name displayed twice. The name should show as Led Dent, however it's showing as Led Dent Dent. The best way to verify which field is causing the problem is by trying to edit your customers name. You can do this by clicking the Edit button to the right of the Customer overview section in the Shopify Customer admin.
We've accidentally imported our customers full name in the First Name field. This is an easy one to miss and is caused if you map a field in your CSV file that has the customers full name to the customer.first_name field on you data mapping.
As you can see above, we have the customers full name in the Full Name column of our CSV file. We've mapped the Full Name field to the customer.first_name field on the Customer tab in our data mapping.
This means that Shopify will import the value in the Full Name column as the customers first name on when importing your orders.
To fix this problem, you'll want to split the Full Name column into two columns. You'll want a First Name and a Last Name column in your CSV file. Once you've split the column into two separate columns, map the new fields to the appropriate fields in your data mapping (e.g. First Name should be mapped to customer.first_name and Last Name should be mapped to customer.last_name). This will solve the problem of your duplicate last name.
Also note, if you did make this mistake during your import, you can delete your import, fix your CSV file and update your data mapping and re-import your file. When you re-import your file the Customer data will be updated and the fields will be fixed.
App: EZ Importer