How Do I Setup Applied Discounts On My Draft Order?

Applied discounts can be used on the draft order or line item level, and you can apply a percentage or fixed amount. When working with Applied Discounts, you need to map fields based on the type of discount you are applying: fixed or percentage.

Fixed Discounts

Fixed discounts allow you to apply a fixed value as the discount. For example, if you have a discount where you give a customer $5.00 off their purchase, you want to use the fixed discount type.

When working with fixed discounts, you must map the value_type and ensure its value is fixed. You'll also want to map the value property, which should be the discount's value; in our above example, it would be 5.00. You may want to map the title and description field so that Shopify displays the discount details.

Percentage Discounts

Percentage discounts allow you to apply a percentage to an individual line item. For example, if you have a 15% discount, you should use this type of discount.

When working with percentages, you must map the value_type and ensure its value is a percentage. You'll also want to map the value property, which should be the discount's value; in our above example, it would be 15. You may want to map the title and description field so that Shopify displays the discount details.

Work With The Amount Property

WE DO NOT RECOMMEND using this field unless you have a very specific reason for doing so. Shopify will calculate the amount by default, so do not map this field unless you need to override Shopify's calculation.

Shopify allows more flexibility when working with the amount of property. The amount property will enable you to set the applied discount amount based on the value_type. This would be the amount you are discounted per line item (if you're working with line item discounts) or the order amount. By default, Shopify will do this calculation for you; however, you can overwrite it by setting this value.

When you use a percentage discount, the discount amount property is the price multiplied by the value property.

We don't recommend using the amount unless you fully understand what you are doing. When working with line items, the value property is applied to each individual unit of the item based on its quantity. When using the amount, you need to calculate the amount you are discounting per line item, which is beyond the scope of this article. You can read more about it in Shopify's Draft Order API documentation here.

Working With Defaults

If your draft order imports are consistent with discounts, meaning all of the orders in your file are either fixed or percentage, we recommend you use the defaults feature and set the value_type property to either fixed or percentage. This lets you keep the value_type out of your file, so you don't have to worry about setting it on each row.

App: EZ Importer

Tags: shopify import, draft orders