Can I use default values when importing my data?

There are times when you may not have all the data in your CSV file and you can't or don't want to edit the file. Editing the file may be time consuming, especially if you have to do it for every import. In an attempt to make this easier, you can add default values to your data mapping.

Mapping Your Default Field Values

When you add a default value, you'll need to map the Shopify field and the value you want to import for that field. This value will be added to every order that's imported using that data mapping. To set up default values, go to the data mapping you want to use with your import and click the Default Fields Configuration (Options) section heading. This will open an input form for you to select and add your default field values.

Data Mapping Default Fields Configuration

You'll see two input boxes. One on the left is a drop down menu of all Shopify fields that we support defaults for. All you need to do is select the field you want to use a default for and then add the value for that default to the input box on the right. For example, if you want to import all of your orders as fulfilled simply select line_items.fulfillment_status in the drop down menu on the left and type fulfilled as the value in the input box on the right.

Data Mapping Default Field Configuration For Fulfillment Status

Add Default Field Values to Multiple Columns

If you would like to add a prefix to more than one column in your CSV file, click the Add More button in the Default Fields Configuration section of the data mapping.

Data Mapping Multiple Default Field Configurations

This will bring up an additional set of input forms for you to configure. At this time we allow you to add a maximum of 15 default field configurations. Each column name must be unique.

Default Fields And Blank CSV Values

When setting up your default values, we allow you to set defaults to mapped fields. If you have a default value set for a mapped field the default value is ONLY used if the value in your CSV file is blank. If there is any value in the CSV file, this value will be used instead of the default.

We believe this will be useful if customers have columns in their CSV file that some times populate but other times are blank and they want to add a default value for the blank values. We don't see this as a feature that will be used often but could be very useful when needed. If you have more questions about how this works, please feel free to reach out.

Default Fields When Linking By SKU

When linking your product by the SKU, and using default values, the price and title from the product in your Shopify store will not be used. If you are using default values for the product title and price, these values will be used instead of the values found on your products.

Default Field Values and Link By SKU

We do not recommend using a default value for your line_items.price and line_items.title field when linking by your product SKU. When you are linking your product by it's SKU, if you do not map a price or title the price and title of the product from Shopify will be used. This allows you to use your product catalog during import.

In this situation if you do decide to map the line_items.price and line_items.title field and have a set of defaults configured and leave those fields blank in your CSV file the defaults will be used instead of the values found in your product catalog. We do not recommend you configure your defaults in this fashion. For more details on linking your product by sku click here.

Unsupported Default Shopify Fields

At this time we allow you to set default values for the majority of Shopify fields. However, there are a handful of fields that we do not support adding default values to as we believe this could cause confusion and make your import error prone. The following fields are not supported.

  • order name/number
  • note_attributes

We do not support setting a default value for your order name/number because we use this field to determine which orders have line items. This field should be unique per order and we believe adding a default value for this field would cause confusion and data errors. For more information on the order number field click here.

If you have further questions about this feature or how to configure your default field mappings, just let us know.


App: EZ Importer

Tags: ez importer, faq, data mapping