Line Item Title Can Not Be Blank

If you import orders with a blank line item, you may get an error saying Line Item Title Can Not Be Blank. This error happens because Shopify requires you to provide a line item title with all orders.

Line Item Title Blank

If you're linking your orders to your products by the product SKU or barcode and are not mapping the line item title to a field in your CSV file, EZ Importer cannot find your product by the SKU or barcode. This usually happens for a few reasons:

  1. The SKU does not match any SKUs in your Shopify store. If you think you have provided the correct SKU, make sure the case matches exactly. SKUs are case-sensitive, so the SKUs must match exactly.
  2. If you're using the barcode, the barcode in your file must match the barcode found on your product in your Shopify admin.
  3. Ensure you have clicked the link by product SKU configuration option in your data mapping and that your SKU is mapped to the correct field. For more information about how this feature works, click here.

If you are mapping the line item title to a column in your CSV file, you must provide a value for this field. If you are not linking your orders by product SKU, you must make sure this field is populated as Shopify requires.

App: EZ Importer

Tags: ez importer, line items, ez importer error