Phone Number Format or Email Address Provided Is Not Valid

This error message is generated when Shopify returns an is invalid error.  They don't provide which field is invalid, however we've been able to narrow it down to either the phone number or the email address provided. 

Phone Number Format

This is probably the first area to look at.  Shopify has some pretty strict phone number validation and they expect you to provide the phone number on your order in a very specific format.  You can read our documentation on how to work with phone numbers here.

If you're working with non US phone numbers, you may need the country code along with a + at the beginning the phone number.

Email Address Invalid

Shopify will validate the email address format as well as the domain of the email address.  They do a DNS lookup on the email address to ensure the domain associated with the email address is valid. 

We understand you may be importing historical orders and some of the orders may have email addresses with domains that are not valid.  There isn't much we can do here as this validation is done at the Shopify API level and their is no way to disable it.  For more details on how email validation errors click here.

Existing Phone Number On Customer Is Invalid

This error is much less frequent but it does come up from time to time.  If you're importing an order and the order is associated with a customer who has an invalid phone number on their customer profile in Shopify, you may be getting this error.  The data in your file may be 100% correct and formatted correctly.  You also may not have a phone number mapped for import.

If you believe this is the case, simply update the phone number on your customer's profile in Shopify and run your import again which should solve the problem.

If you've gone through each of these options and are still struggling with how to fix your import, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team for some guidance.

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App: EZ Importer

Tags: customers, orders