Can I Import Tax Exempt Orders?
Yes, we support creating tax-exempt orders. There are two ways to import tax-exempt orders. You can set the tax_exempt field on the Order Details tab or the tax_exempt field on the Customer tab.
Importing Tax-Exempt Orders
To import a tax-exempt order, you'll want to map (or set up a default) the tax_exempt field on the Order Details tab.
The value in the cell of the Tax Exempt column should be a boolean value, true or false. You can also use yes or no here as well.
If you want to set the tax_exempt value for your Customer in Shopify, you can use the tax_exempt field on the Customer tab. This will set the tax_exempt value on the customer in Shopify and mark the order tax_exempt when it's imported.
Using Tax Exempt With The Total Tax Field
When using either tax_exempt field, you're letting Shopify know the customer shouldn't pay for taxes. When you enable one of these fields and set the value to true, EZ Importer will ignore the total_tax field. If you have the total_tax field set, we will ignore whatever value is set for this field and NOT send it to Shopify.
You can still add tax lines to the order; they won't be added to the total. This allows you to display the taxes associated with the order while leaving them out of the total.
App: EZ Importer