Which fields are required when importing my orders?
When importing an order, you must select the Order Number (i.e., the Order Name) and all the required fields in the Line Items tab. This article provides more information about the Order Number and why it's required.
If you're importing draft orders, you must select the Internal Draft Order ID and all the required fields on the Line Items tab. You can read more about why we need the Internal Draft Order ID here.
Shopify requires that you provide at least one Line Item when importing an order. If you click the Line Items tab on the Data Mappings page, you can select the fields with a * next to their names.
Fields marked with an asterisk on all tabs except the Order Details and Line Items tabs are only required if you select a field on that tab.
If you want Shopify to generate the Order Number for you, you can read this article.
If you have more questions about your import, data mapping, or anything else, feel free to contact us.
App: EZ Importer