Importing Draft Orders

Draft Orders work similarly to Orders, but there are some key differences. This article will help explain these fundamental differences. Select the Draft Order option from the Create Data Mapping button on the Data Mappings page to create a Draft Order data mapping.


Internal Draft Order ID

Shopify does not allow you to set the draft order ID when creating draft orders; however, we need an identifier for the draft order to match line items to your draft order. This allows you to associate multiple line items to a single draft order. The internal draft order ID will not be sent to Shopify, so you can use any identifier you want.

Working With Line Items

When working with line items, you can use the products in your Shopify store by mapping the SKU or barcode. This will tell EZ Importer to lookup the product in your Shopify store by its SKU or barcode and set the product ID and variant ID of the line item on import. 

However, if you map this field and the SKU is found in Shopify, you CAN NOT override the price of the line item. Shopify will ignore any price or title value you provide on the mapping and use what is found on the SKU you provided.

If you want to add a product or change its price, you must provide a "custom" product/line item with your import. You can do this by not linking by SKU or barcode. You could also not give a SKU value in your file, and the title and price will be used.

You may also use the product ID and variant ID to match the line item with its product in your Shopify admin.

Working With Customer Data

When importing draft orders to Shopify, you can add new customers or associate an existing customer to the draft order. To associate an existing customer with your draft order, you must map the Customer's email address. Shopify will look up the Customer and associate it with your draft order.

Adding a new customer to your draft order works slightly different than regular orders. With Draft Orders, Shopify does not automatically update the customer data with the Draft Order. EZ Importer must create or update the Customer by making an API call before creating the Draft Order. This should be seamless for you; however, if there is an issue creating the Draft Order, the Customer will still be created or updated in your Shopify store since the Customer is created or updated before the Draft Order.

Billing And Shipping Address

Adding a Billing and/or Shipping address to your draft order works similarly to orders. However, you can associate the Customer's default address in Shopify with your draft order if you enable the User Customer Default Address option to tell Shopify to associate the Customer's default billing and shipping address with your Draft Order.

When the Draft Order is created, and no Billing or Shipping Address is provided, Shopify will grab the default address for the email address provided.

If you add a Shipping or Billing Address with a customer name (using the first name and last name fields), Shopify will add the Customer to your Shopify store. The Customer will be added without an email address or a phone number, and the address will be associated with the Customer unless you map the Customer fields.

Shipping Line

Shopify allows you to add a single Shipping Line to your draft order. The shipping line will enable you to add the carrier name and the shipping cost for the draft order.  

The easiest way to add a shipping line is to add a custom shipping line, which is the default. All you need to do is map the title and price field to add your custom shipping line.

After creating the draft order using EZ Importer, you can edit the shipping line in the Shopify admin.


Draft Orders use what Shopify calls an Applied Discount on the order or the line item. You can add a single applied discount to the entire order or provide an applied discount for each line item. 

You can apply a single discount to each line item on your order. The line item data mapping is the Applied Discount fields in the Line Items tab.

For more details about how applied discounts work click here.

Importing Draft Orders with New Data Mappings

To make setting up your first Data Mapping easier, we allow you to upload a file and create a new one based on the uploaded file. This works like regular Orders, except you select the Draft Order Data Type when uploading your file.

Once the file is uploaded, you'll be presented with the Draft Order data mapping, where you will select and map the fields you want to import with your Draft Orders.

App: EZ Importer

Tags: shopify import, draft orders