Showing articles tagged with "faq"

EZ Importer KB Articles

How Can I Import Refunds?

Getting an order imported as a refund can be a little tricky. This article will walk you through what you need to do to import an order as a refund.…

How Do I Add Customers with My Import?

When importing your orders, you may want to import customer data as well. This way you can import all of your customers at the same time as your orde…

How do I add Tax Lines to my Import?

This article will walk you through adding tax lines to your import.  You should map the total_tax field to ensure you have all the proper t…

How do I import my Discount Codes?

When adding discounts it's important to understand how the discount will display on your order. There are two areas to add discounts when importing …

How Do I Import Tracking Info?

When importing order's you can also import the tracking information for that order. That includes the tracking number, tracking company, and trac…

How many imports can I run at a time?

EZ Importer allows you to run a maximum of 2 jobs (importing or deleting) at a time. The reason we cap the number of concurrent jobs is due to call …