My Orders Don't Look Right, What Should I Do?

If you've run your import and noticed something was wrong, you can easily clean up the import and run it again. At this time you'll have to delete the entire import, edit your CSV file, then upload and run it again. It's very import you run a few tests before running your full import. This will save you a ton of time if you do make a mistake.

Re-importing Your Orders

We've built in a few fail safes to make sure you can back out your import or clean it up if you do run into issues.

  1. If you notice something is wrong with your import while it's RUNNING, you can cancel your import, delete the orders and run it again. Click here to see how to cancel your import.
  2. If you've noticed something is wrong with your orders AFTER it's been imported, don't worry you can delete your import and run it again. When deleting your import we'll add your credits back to your credit bank so you don't have to pay for the import again. To delete your import scroll to the bottom of the Review Import page and click the red "Delete Imported Orders" button. Click here to see how to delete your import.

Common Mistakes To Look Out for

When importing your orders there are a few things to look out for. Below is a list of common mistakes customers have run into over the years.

  1. Date Format: Date formatting is very flexible in Shopify. However, if you format your date fields as DD/MM/YYYY you will most likely run into data issues. The Shopify API will accept this format and it will do it's best to try and set the dates on your orders properly but if you have a date value that can be either DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY Shopify will choose MM/DD/YYYY. For example, if you provide a date of 05/01/2018, Shopify will see this as May 01, 2018 NOT January 05, 2018. This is an area of confusion for many customers as DD/MM/YYYY is a common format. Click here to read more on date formatting.
  2. Audit Your Apps: EZ Importer will send customer emails ONLY if you have the "Email customer on import" option clicked on your data mapping. By default, this is disabled and EZ Importer will NOT email your customers. However, we can not prevent other apps that you have installed from sending emails or notifications to your customers or warehouses. Shopify does not give us an option to disable all emails or notifications so it's EXTREMELY important that you ensure no other apps will send notifications or emails to your customers, warhouses or other systems. Click here to read more about email notifications.
  3. Updating Orders: EZ Importer does not update your order data. If an order is already in your Shopify store, EZ Importer will add a duplicate and not update the existing order. This means, you can not update orders if you made a mistake (see above on how to fix mistakes) and it will not update fulfillment statuses or tracking numbers.
  4. Matching SKUs: Most customers want their product's linked to the line items on their orders. If this is the case, you'll want to user our "Link by product SKU" option on your data mapping. Make sure that the SKU you are mapping is exactly the same as it is in your CSV file. SKUs are case sensitive by nature so they must be exactly the same (e.g. SKU123 will not match sku123). If you provide a SKU with the wrong case, they will not link. Click here for more details.

If you're looking for a guide with more details on what you can import and how it matches to the different Shopify fields, our quick start guide will help.

App: EZ Importer

Tags: ez importer, faq