EZ Importer KB Articles

Large Imports

Running a large import (over 50,000 rows) can be stressful and time consuming. We've had many customers do imports from 50,000 to a few million. Th…

Line Item Title Can Not Be Blank

If you import orders with a blank line item, you may get an error saying Line Item Title Can Not Be Blank. This error happens because Shopify require…

Locking Your Data Mapping

When uploading your import file, EZ Importer copies the data mapping you selected or created during upload. This is done for a few reasons. EZ …

Managing Your Fulfillments On Import

When importing orders you may want to add tracking and fulfillment information.  This can be done in EZ Importer by mapping the fields on the Fu…

Mapping Your Kickstarter CSV

Importing orders from Kickstarter can be tricky, the data that's exported from Kickstarter doesn't cleanly and easily map to Shopify fie…

Mapping Your Taxes

When importing your orders, you may want to import tax information. Shopify has three fields you can populate when sending tax information with your …

Migrating from 3dcart to Shopify

To start migrating or importing orders from 3dcart, you'll first need to export your orders from 3dcart. You can use 3dcarts data migration tools…

Migrating from Squarespace to Shopify

To start migrating or importing orders from Squarespace, you'll first need to export your orders from Squarespace. You can use Squarespace's …

Migrating from Wix to Shopify

To start migrating or importing orders from Wix, you'll first need to export your orders from Wix. You can use Wix's data migration tools to …

Migrating from WooCommerce to Shopify

To start importing orders from WooCommerce, click the Data Mappings Template menu option on the navigation bar in EZ Importer. This will bring you to…