How can I cancel a running job?
There may be times when you're running an import and you need to cancel the job. You can do this once the job starts running.To cancel a job go to…
There may be times when you're running an import and you need to cancel the job. You can do this once the job starts running.To cancel a job go to…
When importing an order, you can create a link from the order's line item to the product in the Shopify admin by providing the product ID and var…
When editing your data mapping, you may notice that sometimes there is a drop down menu that appears in the Header Name section of the data mapping a…
Getting an order imported as a refund can be a little tricky. This article will walk you through what you need to do to import an order as a refund.…
Shopify order numbers are generated using a sequence. When you first create a brand new store that number starts as 1001. Meaning the first order you…
If you're getting an error telling you there was "an error logging into your store" this means Shopify can not log you in to your store. You're most …
This means the email address associated with the order is not valid. Shopify validates any email address you map to the email field. If the domain …
When importing your orders to Shopify we allow you to import customer data. This includes the customer's phone number. Importing a customers phon…
When importing orders you may want to import the shipping and/or billing address with your import. When importing shipping or billing addresses you'…
If EZ Importer has successfully imported your order and the order has an order number, you know it was added to your store. There are instances wher…
Running a large import (over 50,000 rows) can be stressful and time consuming. We've had many customers do imports from 50,000 to a few million. Th…
Shopify no longer allows you to import orders with a line item quantity less than 1. If your import file does not have a quantity field or if it's …
If you import orders with a blank line item, you may get an error saying Line Item Title Can Not Be Blank. This error happens because Shopify require…
When uploading your import file, EZ Importer copies the data mapping you selected or created during upload. This is done for a few reasons. EZ …
Importing orders from Kickstarter can be tricky, the data that's exported from Kickstarter doesn't cleanly and easily map to Shopify fie…