How can I export the line items that were removed or fully refunded from a Shopify order?
In the Data Settings, under Custom Filters, you can add this filter to only export line items that were removed via an order edit or fully refunded:
- Lineitem Current Quantity is equal to 0
The "Lineitem Current Quantity" (line_items.current_quantity) field reflects order edits and refunds. So if the value of this field is 0, then that means the entire line item was either deleted/removed (via an order edit) or fully refunded.
Please note that it's currently not possible to differentiate between a line item that was removed due to an order edit or an actual refund (there's no field in the API to determine this).
One thing worth noting, though, is when an order is edited and a line item is removed or the quantity is decreased, the order's payment status doesn't change to "refunded" or "partially refunded". So if an order's payment status is not refunded/partially refunded and the current quantity is 0, then it's likely that was due to an order edit. However, it's possible that a refunded order also had an order edit, so for these cases we can't differentiate between them.
App: EZ Exporter
Tags: refunds, order edit, custom filters