Can I export the discount code and amount that was applied to specific line items in my Shopify order?
Yes, this is now possible! :) The following fields are available in EZ Exporter: Lineitem Discount Allocations Total Amount (line_items.disc…
Yes, this is now possible! :) The following fields are available in EZ Exporter: Lineitem Discount Allocations Total Amount (line_items.disc…
You can use the formula below in the Calculated Fields to calculate the line item total price after discounts: {{ line_items.total_price }}…
The shipping discount applied to the order is stored in the discount_applications field, which is an array of discounts. You can use thi…
"Automatic Dicounts" data (which is different from "Discount Codes") is stored in the field discount_applications. The ra…
When an "Automatic Discount" is applied to specific line items in the Shopify order, the discount information is stored in the fi…
Update (July 15, 2018):Shopify has recently updated their API to now expose additional discount information on the line item level. Please use the Li…