How many records can I export?

The export limit in EZ Exporter is based on runtime per report. There's no limit on how many times you can do an export.

In the Standard and Advanced Plans, the per-report runtime limit is 1 hour. In the Premium Plan, the limit is 5 hours.

As far as the number of records that can be exported in this amount time, it could really vary based on the type of report, the Shopify Plan you're in, and the fields selected due to the following reasons:

  • Response time from the Shopify API could vary. We find that requesting Order data from the API typically takes longer compared to Product and Customer data. The content of the data could also affect the response time. For example, orders that contain many line items would typically result in longer API response times.
  • The API call limit is roughly 2 requests/second for standard Shopify plans, but Shopify Plus stores get 4 requests/second.  Note, however, that the Shopify API could take longer than 1 second to return a response depending on the data being queried, so it's hard to estimate the amount of data we can export based on the call limit alone.
  • There are certain fields that we make available that require additional API calls to other endpoints. For example, if you include certain transaction fields in the Order export, this will require our app to make additional API calls per order to the Transaction API endpoint to pull this data as they're not part of the standard data returned by the Order API, so this slows down the export process quite a bit if there are a lot of orders.

App: EZ Exporter

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