How can I add a column to my Shopify order export showing the order status?

The Shopify Order API doesn't have a field for the order's current status, but what we can do instead is look at the closed_at and cancelled_at fields to determine the order status:

  • Open - closed_at and cancelled_at are blank
  • Closed - closed_at is not blank
  • Cancelled - cancelled_at is not blank

Note that the "Archived" status is the same as "Closed".  It's also possible that an order is both "Closed" and "Cancelled".

In the Calculated Fields section of the Data Settings, you can use this formula to add an Order Status column using the logic mentioned above:

"Closed and Cancelled" if ({{ closed_at }} and {{ cancelled_at }}) else "Closed" if {{ closed_at }} else "Cancelled" if {{ cancelled_at }} else "Open"

The output will look something like this:

App: EZ Exporter

Tags: advanced features, shopify order export