How can I export my Shopify data to DigitalOcean Spaces?
DigitalOcean Spaces is an S3-compatible object storage service. You can use EZ Exporter's Amazon S3 integration for this where you can specify a custom endpoint URL.
To export your Shopify data directly to a "Spaces Bucket", please follow the steps below.
1. On DigitalOcean, create a Spaces API key.
Go to the API page > Spaces Keys tab and click "Generate New Key".
Make a note of the Access Key and make sure to copy the Secret Key.
2. On EZ Exporter, add the bucket settings.
Go to Integrations > Amazon S3, and create a new bucket settings.
- Enter the "Bucket Name" of your DigitalOcean Spaces bucket.
- For the "Region", select "US East".
- For the "Access Key ID" and "Secret Key", enter the "Access Key" and "Secret Key" from DigitalOcean.
- For the "Endpoint URL", enter the bucket URL without the bucket name. For example, if the full bucket URL is, omit the bucket name and only enter
3. On EZ Exporter, create an Export Profile and set Destination > Type: Amazon S3.
Select the bucket settings you've created and enter the desired folder path (you can also just enter /
to upload the file to the root/main path).
The folders will be created automatically if they don't already exist.
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App: EZ Exporter
Tags: integrations, amazon s3