How can I export the corresponding option names for the option1, option2, and option3 fields of a Shopify product variant?
When creating a Data Settings for Product data, you'll see the following fields which will export the values of the different options:
- variants.option1
- variants.option2
- variants.option2
The API doesn't provide dedicated fields that will return the name of each opiton, but we can use the formulas below in the Calculated Fields section of the Data Settings to figure them out:
Option1 Name
get_value_by_position(to_list({{ }}), 1)
Option2 Name
get_value_by_position(to_list({{ }}), 2)
Option3 Name
get_value_by_position(to_list({{ }}), 3)
App: EZ Exporter
Tags: shopify products