How can I export the Shopify "Payment ID" data?
In Shopify's default order CSV export, there's a column called "Payment ID" which Shopify describes as this:
A unique ID sent by Shopify to payment providers when a customer pays at checkout. Use this ID to match order information between Shopify and your payment provider. An order can have more than one Payment ID. It only includes successful or pending payments. It does not include captures and refunds. Multiple entries are separated with a space, a
, and another space.
In EZ Exporter, you can retrieve this data by using the formula below in the Calculated Fields:
" + ".join(sorted(set(to_list(get_attribute_value([i for i in load_json_data({{ transactions }}) if i.status in ["success", "pending"] and i.kind not in ["capture", "refund"]], "payment_id")))))
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App: EZ Exporter
Tags: shopify, csv, shopify export, reconciliation