How can I export the status of debit card or credit card verification checks from a Shopify order?
Note: Depending on the payment gateway, this information may or may not be available.
The payment gateway may provide additional information in the Shopify order's transaction data on whether certain card verification checks passed or failed.
For example, you may sometimes see the message: "Billing street address doesn't match credit card's registered address" or "Billing address ZIP or postal code doesn't match credit card's registered address" in the order detail.
Information related to these messages can be found in the transaction data under payment_method_details > card > checks.
Below are the different checks that are available:
- Address Line1 Check (
) - Address Postal Code Check (
) - CVC Check (
Here's an example of what this data looks like:
EZ Exporter can extract the values of these fields using the get_attribute_value() function via the Calculated Fields feature.
For example, to extract the value of the address_postal_code_check
field, you can use the formula below:
get_attribute_value({{ transactions }}, "address_postal_code_check")
App: EZ Exporter