I don't use SKUs or Barcodes in my Shopify store. What can I use as an alternative ID for my product feeds?

If you need to generate product feeds for other platforms such as Google Shopping, Facebook Catalogs, and Pinterest Catalogs, you'll need to include an id field.

Normally, you'd want to use the SKU here but if you don't have SKUs for your products in Shopify, you could potentially use the auto-generated Variant ID field which is unique to each variant or a combination of the auto-generated Product ID and Variant ID fields.

It's probably a good idea to use the combination of Product ID and Variant ID so you can easily tell which variants belong to the same product.

To add this in EZ Exporter, simply use a Custom Field with this value in your Product Export:

{{ id }}_{{ variants.id }}

Here's what this looks like in the app:

And the output will look something like this:

App: EZ Exporter

Tags: faq, product feeds