Which custom filter conditions do you support?

Many Shopify fields can be filtered with the following conditions:

  • is equal to (e.g. 1 = 1)
  • is not equal to (e.g. 1 != 2)
  • is equal to any (use a comma-separated list of values, e.g. "US" is equal to any of: "US, MX, CA")
  • is not equal to any (use a comma-separated list of values, e.g. "US" is not equal to any of: "AU, GB, CA")
  • contains (e.g. "slippers, shoes, socks" contains "shoes")
  • does not contain (e.g. "slippers, shoes, socks" does not contain "pants")
  • starts with (e.g. "SKU12345" starts with "SKU")
  • ends with (e.g. "SKU12345" ends with "345")
  • is greater than (e.g. 2 > 1)
  • is less than (e.g. 1 < 2)

App: EZ Exporter

Tags: filters