How do I export the custom "Pickup Date" or "Delivery Date" note attributes from a Shopify order?
If you have a custom form on your checkout page that captures the "PIckup Date" or "Delivery Date" entered by the customer, these info will typically be stored in the note_attributes field on the Shopify backend.
When you view the order detail in the Shopify admin, they'll show up under the "Additional Details" section.
To export individual note attributes in separate columns with EZ Exporter, you can use a formula like this in the Calculated Fields:
search_attributes({{ note_attributes }}, "Delivery Date")
Just change the part in bold with the attribute name you've assigned in your store.
If you need to filter your data based on this "Delivery Date" note attribute, you can use the Custom Filters > User-Defined Fields option in the Data Settings.
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App: EZ Exporter
Tags: advanced features, note attributes