How can I export product image URLs in separate columns in the Shopify Product export?
In the Product export, there's a field called images.src
that you can select which will export all product image URLs in one column separated by a comma.
If you'd like to place each image URL in a separate column, you can use the Calculated Fields feature with these formulas:
First Image:
get_value_by_position(to_list({{ images.src }}), 1)
Second Image:
get_value_by_position(to_list({{ images.src }}), 2)
Third Image:
get_value_by_position(to_list({{ images.src }}), 3)
And so on, basically just incrementing the number parameter in the function.
Related Articles:
- How can I display the Shopify product image in Google Sheets?
- How can I get the URL for specific sizes of my product images?
- How do I change the character separator for the Image URLs from a comma to a secmicolon?
- How do I export my Shopify product image URLs to use a semicolon for the separator instead of a comma?
App: EZ Exporter