How do I export only orders containing a line item for "Local Pickup" (using Shopify's built-in Local Pickup feature)?
If you're using Shopify's built-in Local Pickup feature, you can add the condition below in the Custom Filters option of EZ Exporter to filter orders containing a line item where the delivery method is set to local pickup:
- Fulfillment Orders Delivery Method Types contains pick-up
This filter is at the order level. You can also filter at the line item level with the following condition:
- Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Delivery Method Types contains pick-up
Here's what this looks like in the app:
Since an order or a line item can have multiple fulfillment orders, you'd normally want to use the "contains" operator here instead of "is equal to".
If you want to filter the data further based on the fulfillment order's status, you can include additional filter conditions for the following fields:
- Fulfillment Orders Status
- Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Status
App: EZ Exporter