EZ Exporter: Shopify Order Fields Reference

You can reference the Field IDs below in a Custom Field or Calculated Field by enclosing them in double curly braces (e.g. {{ updated_at }}).

Field ID Description
app_id App ID (type: text). Unique identifier of the app that created the order.
billing_address.address1 Billing Address1 (type: text).
billing_address.address2 Billing Address2 (type: text).
billing_address.city Billing City (type: text).
billing_address.company Billing Company (type: text).
billing_address.country Billing Country (type: text).
billing_address.country_code Billing Country Code (type: text). The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the billing address.
billing_address.default Billing Default (type: text).
billing_address.first_name Billing First Name (type: text).
billing_address.id Billing ID (type: text).
billing_address.last_name Billing Last Name (type: text).
billing_address.name Billing Name (type: text).
billing_address.phone Billing Phone (type: text).
billing_address.province Billing Province (type: text).
billing_address.province_code Billing Province Code (type: text). The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the billing address.
billing_address.zip Billing Zip (type: text).
browser_ip Browser IP (type: text). The IP address of the browser used by the customer when they placed the order.
buyer_accepts_marketing Buyer Accepts Marketing (type: text). Whether the customer consented to receive email updates from the shop. Value is either True or False.
cancel_reason Cancel Reason (type: text). The reason why the order was canceled. Valid values:
  • customer
  • fraud
  • inventory
  • declined
  • other
cancelled_at Cancelled At (type: datetime). The date and time when the order was canceled (value is null/blank if not canceled).
cart_token Cart Token (type: text). Unique identifier for a particular cart that is attached to a particular order.
checkout_id Checkout ID (type: text).
checkout_token Checkout Token (type: text).
client_details.accept_language Client Details Accept Language (type: text). The languages and locales that the browser understands.
client_details.browser_height Client Details Browser Height (type: text). The browser screen height in pixels, if available.
client_details.browser_ip Client Details Browser IP (type: text). The IP address of the browser used by the customer when they placed the order.
client_details.browser_width Client Details Browser Width (type: text). The browser screen width in pixels, if available.
client_details.session_hash Client Details Session Hash (type: text).
client_details.user_agent Client Details User Agent (type: text). Details of the browsing client, including software and operating versions.
closed_at Closed At (type: datetime). The date and time when the order was closed/archived (value is null/blank if not closed).
confirmation_number Confirmation Number (type: text). A randomly generated alpha-numeric identifier for the order that may be shown to the customer instead of the sequential order name. This value isn't guaranteed to be unique.
created_at Created At (type: datetime). The autogenerated date and time when the order was created in Shopify.
currency Currency (type: text). The three-letter code for the shop currency.
current_subtotal_price Current Subtotal Price (type: number). The current subtotal price of the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds.
current_total_discounts Current Total Discounts (type: number). The current total discounts on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds.
current_total_price Current Total Price (type: number). The current total price of the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds.
current_total_tax Current Total Tax (type: number). The current total taxes charged on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, or refunds.
customer.created_at Customer Created At (type: datetime).
customer.currency Customer Currency (type: text). The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order.
customer.default_address Customer Default Address (type: text).
customer.default_address.address1 Customer Default Address - Address 1 (type: text).
customer.default_address.address2 Customer Default Address - Address 2 (type: text).
customer.default_address.city Customer Default Address - City (type: text).
customer.default_address.company Customer Default Address - Company (type: text).
customer.default_address.country Customer Default Address - Country (type: text).
customer.default_address.country_code Customer Default Address - Country Code (type: text).
customer.default_address.first_name Customer Default Address - First Name (type: text).
customer.default_address.last_name Customer Default Address - Last Name (type: text).
customer.default_address.name Customer Default Address - Name (type: text).
customer.default_address.phone Customer Default Address - Phone (type: text).
customer.default_address.province Customer Default Address - Province (type: text).
customer.default_address.province_code Customer Default Address - Province Code (type: text).
customer.default_address.zip Customer Default Address - Zip (type: text).
customer.email Customer Email (type: text).
customer.email_marketing_consent.consent_updated_at Customer Email Marketing Consent Updated At (type: datetime). The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used.
customer.email_marketing_consent.opt_in_level Customer Email Marketing Consent Opt-In Level (type: text). The marketing subscription opt-in level that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email.
customer.email_marketing_consent.state Customer Email Marketing Consent Status (type: text). The current email marketing state for the customer.
customer.first_name Customer First Name (type: text).
customer.id Customer ID (type: number).
customer.last_name Customer Last Name (type: text).
customer.last_order_id Customer Last Order ID (type: number).
customer.last_order_name Customer Last Order Name (type: text).
customer.note Customer Note (type: text). A note about the customer.
customer.orders_count Customer Orders Count (type: number). The number of orders placed by this customer to a shop.
customer.phone Customer Phone (type: text).
customer.sms_marketing_consent.consent_collected_from Customer SMS Marketing Consent Collected From (type: text). The source for whether the customer has consented to receive marketing material by SMS.
customer.sms_marketing_consent.consent_updated_at Customer SMS Marketing Consent Updated At (type: datetime). The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by SMS. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used.
customer.sms_marketing_consent.opt_in_level Customer SMS Marketing Consent Opt-In Level (type: text). The marketing subscription opt-in level that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by SMS.
customer.sms_marketing_consent.state Customer SMS Marketing Consent Status (type: text). The current SMS marketing state for the customer.
customer.state Customer Account Status (type: text). The state of the customer's account. Valid values:
  • disabled
  • invited
  • enabled
  • declined
customer.tags Customer Tags (type: text).
customer.tax_exempt Customer Tax Exempt (type: text). Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. Value is either True or False. If True, then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If False, then taxes will be applied at checkout.
customer.total_spent Customer Total Spent (type: number). The total amount of money that the customer has spent across their order history.
customer.updated_at Customer Updated At (type: datetime).
customer.verified_email Customer Verified Email (type: text). Whether the customer has verified their email address. Value is either True or False.
customer_locale Customer Locale (type: text). The two or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier.
discount_applications Discount Applications (type: text). An ordered list of stacked discount applications.
discount_codes Discount Codes (type: text). A list of discount code attributes.
discount_codes.amount Discount Codes (Amount) (type: text). A comma-separated list of the amount value in the discount codes data.
discount_codes.code Discount Codes (Code) (type: text). A comma-separated list of the code value in the discount codes data.
discount_codes.type Discount Codes (Type) (type: text). A comma-separated list of the type value in the discount codes data.
email Email (type: text).
estimated_taxes Estimated Taxes (type: text). Whether taxes on the order are estimated. Many factors can change between the time a customer places an order and the time the order is shipped, which could affect the calculation of taxes. This property returns False when taxes on the order are finalized and aren't subject to any changes. Value is either True or False.
financial_status Financial Status (type: text). The payment status of the order. Valid values:
  • pending
  • authorized
  • partially_paid
  • paid
  • partially_refunded
  • refunded
  • voided
fulfillment_orders Fulfillment Orders (type: text). A list of fulfillment orders for the entire order in JSON format.
fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.location_id Fulfillment Orders Assigned Location IDs (type: text). A comma-separated list of location IDs to fulfill from.
fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.name Fulfillment Orders Assigned Location Names (type: text). A comma-separated list of location names to fulfill from.
fulfillment_orders.delivery_method.id Fulfillment Orders Delivery Method IDs (type: text). A comma-separated list of delivery method IDs.
fulfillment_orders.delivery_method.method_type Fulfillment Orders Delivery Method Types (type: text). A comma-separated list of delivery method types. Valid values:
  • local: A delivery to a customer's doorstep.
  • none: No delivery method.
  • pick-up: A delivery that a customer picks up at your retail store, curbside, or any location that you choose.
  • retail: Items delivered immediately in a retail store.
  • shipping: A delivery to a customer using a shipping carrier.
fulfillment_orders.fulfill_at Fulfillment Orders Fulfill At Dates (type: text). A comma-separated list of dates/times at which the fulfillment orders will be fulfillable. When this date and time is reached, a scheduled fulfillment order is automatically transitioned to open. For more information about fulfillment statuses, refer to the status property.
fulfillment_orders.request_status Fulfillment Orders Request Status (type: text). A comma-separated list of request status of the fulfillment orders. Valid values:
  • unsubmitted: The initial request status for newly-created fulfillment orders. This is the only valid request status for fulfillment orders that aren't assigned to a fulfillment service.
  • submitted: The merchant requested fulfillment for this fulfillment order.
  • accepted: The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment request.
  • rejected: The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment request.
  • cancellation_requested: The merchant requested a cancellation of the fulfillment request for this fulfillment order.
  • cancellation_accepted: The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request.
  • cancellation_rejected: The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request.
  • closed: The fulfillment service closed the fulfillment order without completing it.
fulfillment_orders.status Fulfillment Orders Status (type: text). A comma-separated list of request status of the fulfillment orders. Valid values:
  • open: The fulfillment order is ready for fulfillment.
  • in_progress: The fulfillment order is being processed.
  • scheduled: The fulfillment order is deferred and will be ready for fulfillment after the datetime specified in fulfill_at.
  • cancelled: The fulfillment order has been cancelled by the merchant.
  • on_hold: The fulfillment order is on hold. The fulfillment process can't be initiated until the hold on the fulfillment order is released.
  • incomplete: The fulfillment order cannot be completed as requested.
  • closed: The fulfillment order has been completed and closed.
fulfillment_status Fulfillment Status (type: text). The fulfillment status for the entire order. Valid values:
  • fulfilled: every line item has been fulfilled
  • null/blank: none of the line items have been fulfilled
  • partial: at least one line item has been fulfilled
fulfillments.events Fulfillment Events (type: text). A FulfillmentEvent represents a tracking event belonging to a fulfillment of one or more items in an order. Fulfillment events are displayed on the Order Status Page to update customers on the status of their shipment.
fulfillments.events.delivery_dates Fulfillment Events Delivery Dates (type: text). A list of date and time separated by a comma of all delivered events for this order.
fulfillments.events.last_delivered_event.happened_at Last Delivered Fulfillment Event Date (type: datetime). The date and time when the last delivered fulfillment event occurred.
fulfillments.events.last_delivered_event.message Last Delivered Fulfillment Event Message (type: text). An arbitrary message describing the status of the last delivered event. Can be provided by a shipping carrier.
fulfillments.events.last_event.happened_at Last Fulfillment Event Date (type: datetime). The date and time when the last fulfillment event occurred.
fulfillments.events.last_event.message Last Fulfillment Event Message (type: text). An arbitrary message describing the status of the last event. Can be provided by a shipping carrier.
fulfillments.events.last_event.status Last Fulfillment Event Status (type: text). The status of the last fulfillment event. Valid values:
  • label_printed
  • label_purchased
  • attempted_delivery
  • ready_for_pickup
  • picked_up
  • confirmed
  • in_transit
  • out_for_delivery
  • delivered
  • failure
fulfillments.ids Fulfillment IDs (type: text).
fulfillments.last_successful_fulfillment.created_at Last Successful Fulfillment Date (type: datetime). The last successful fulfillment date for the entire order.
fulfillments.location_ids Fulfillment Location IDs (type: text). The fulfillment location IDs for the order. Only available if the order is in fulfilled or partially-fulfilled status (use the field fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.location_id for unfulfilled orders).
fulfillments.location_names Fulfillment Location Names (type: text). The comma-separated list of fulfillment location names for the order. Only available if the order is in fulfilled or partially-fulfilled status (use the field fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.name for unfulfilled orders).
fulfillments.shipment_status Shipment Status (type: text). The shipment status for the order. Note that if the order has multiple fulfillments, this field will have multiple status values separated by a comma. Valid values:
  • label_printed
  • label_purchased
  • attempted_delivery
  • ready_for_pickup
  • picked_up
  • confirmed
  • in_transit
  • out_for_delivery
  • delivered
  • failure
fulfillments.tracking_companies Tracking Companies (type: text). A comma-separated list of names of the shipping companies/carriers.
fulfillments.tracking_numbers Tracking Numbers (type: text). A comma-separated list of tracking numbers.
fulfillments.tracking_urls Tracking URLs (type: text). A comma-separated list of tracking URLs.
fulfillments_count Number of Fulfillments (type: number). The total number of fulfillments for this order.
id Order ID (type: number). The unique numeric identifier for the order. This one is used for API purposes. This is different from the order_number property.
landing_site Landing Site (type: text). The URL for the page where the buyer landed when entering the shop.
landing_site_ref Landing Site Ref (type: text). The value of the `ref` parameter from the landing page URL.
line_items.current_quantity Lineitem Current Quantity (type: number). The current quantity after order edits and refunds.
line_items.custom_collections.handle Lineitem Custom Collections Handles (type: text).
line_items.custom_collections.id Lineitem Custom Collections IDs (type: text).
line_items.custom_collections.published_scope Lineitem Custom Collections Published Scopes (type: text).
line_items.custom_collections.template_suffix Lineitem Custom Collections Template Suffixes (type: text).
line_items.custom_collections.title Lineitem Custom Collections Titles (type: text).
line_items.discount_allocations Lineitem Discount Allocations (type: text). An ordered list of amounts allocated by discount applications. Each discount allocation is associated to a particular discount application.
line_items.discount_allocations.discount_codes Lineitem Discount Allocations Discount Codes (type: text).
line_items.discount_allocations.total_amount Lineitem Discount Allocations Total Amount (type: number). The total discount amount allocated to the line item.
line_items.fulfillable_quantity Lineitem Fulfillable Quantity (type: number). The quantity available to fulfill.
line_items.fulfilled_quantity Lineitem Fulfilled Quantity (type: number). The quantity that was fulfilled (note that this does not factor in refunded quantity).
line_items.fulfillment_location_ids Lineitem Fulfillment Location IDs (type: text). The fulfillment location IDs for the line item. Only available if the line item is in fulfilled or partially-fulfilled status (use the field line_items.fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.location_id for unfulfilled orders)..
line_items.fulfillment_location_names Lineitem Fulfillment Location Names (type: text). The fulfillment location names for the line item. Only available if the line item is in fulfilled or partially-fulfilled status (use the field line_items.fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.name for unfulfilled orders).
line_items.fulfillment_orders Lineitem Fulfillment Orders (type: text). A list of fulfillment orders for the line item in JSON format.
line_items.fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.location_id Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Assigned Location IDs (type: text). A comma-separated list of location IDs to fulfill from for the line item.
line_items.fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.name Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Assigned Location Names (type: text). A comma-separated list of location names to fulfill from for the line item.
line_items.fulfillment_orders.delivery_method.id Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Delivery Method IDs (type: text). A comma-separated list of delivery method IDs.
line_items.fulfillment_orders.delivery_method.method_type Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Delivery Method Types (type: text). A comma-separated list of delivery method types. Valid values:
  • local: A delivery to a customer's doorstep.
  • none: No delivery method.
  • pick-up: A delivery that a customer picks up at your retail store, curbside, or any location that you choose.
  • retail: Items delivered immediately in a retail store.
  • shipping: A delivery to a customer using a shipping carrier.
line_items.fulfillment_orders.fulfill_at Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Fulfill At Dates (type: text). A comma-separated list of dates/times at which the fulfillment orders will be fulfillable. When this date and time is reached, a scheduled fulfillment order is automatically transitioned to open. For more information about fulfillment statuses, refer to the status property.
line_items.fulfillment_orders.request_status Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Request Status (type: text). A comma-separated list of request status of the fulfillment orders. Valid values:
  • unsubmitted: The initial request status for newly-created fulfillment orders. This is the only valid request status for fulfillment orders that aren't assigned to a fulfillment service.
  • submitted: The merchant requested fulfillment for this fulfillment order.
  • accepted: The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment request.
  • rejected: The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment request.
  • cancellation_requested: The merchant requested a cancellation of the fulfillment request for this fulfillment order.
  • cancellation_accepted: The fulfillment service accepted the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request.
  • cancellation_rejected: The fulfillment service rejected the merchant's fulfillment cancellation request.
  • closed: The fulfillment service closed the fulfillment order without completing it.
line_items.fulfillment_orders.status Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Status (type: text). A comma-separated list of request status of the fulfillment orders. Valid values:
  • open: The fulfillment order is ready for fulfillment.
  • in_progress: The fulfillment order is being processed.
  • scheduled: The fulfillment order is deferred and will be ready for fulfillment after the datetime specified in fulfill_at.
  • cancelled: The fulfillment order has been cancelled by the merchant.
  • on_hold: The fulfillment order is on hold. The fulfillment process can't be initiated until the hold on the fulfillment order is released.
  • incomplete: The fulfillment order cannot be completed as requested.
  • closed: The fulfillment order has been completed and closed.
line_items.fulfillment_service Lineitem Fulfillment Service (type: text)Deprecated. Shopify no longer recommends using this field, use the field line_items.fulfillment_orders.assigned_location.name (Lineitem Fulfillment Orders Assigned Location Names) instead. Service provider who is doing the fulfillment. Valid values are either manual or the name of the provider. eg: amazonshipwire, etc.
line_items.fulfillment_status Lineitem Fulfillment Status (type: text). The fulfillment status for this line item. Valid values:
  • fulfilled
  • null/blank (i.e. unfulfilled)
  • partial
line_items.fulfillment_tracking_companies Lineitem Fulfillment Tracking Companies (type: text).
line_items.fulfillment_tracking_numbers Lineitem Fulfillment Tracking Numbers (type: text).
line_items.fulfillment_tracking_urls Lineitem Fulfillment Tracking URLs (type: text).
line_items.gift_card Lineitem Gift Card (type: text). States whether or not the line_item is a gift card. If so, the item is not taxed or considered for shipping charges. Value is either True or False.
line_items.grams Lineitem Grams (type: number).
line_items.id Lineitem ID (type: text).
line_items.last_successful_fulfillment.created_at Lineitem Last Successful Fulfillment Date (type: datetime). The last successful fulfillment date for the line item.
line_items.name Lineitem Name (type: text). The name of the product variant.
line_items.price Lineitem Price (type: number). The unit price of the item before discounts have been applied.
line_items.product.body_html Lineitem Product Body HTML (type: text). The product description, complete with HTML formatting. To remove the HTML tags, use the formula strip_html_tags({{ line_items.product.body_html }}) in Calculated Fields.
line_items.product.handle Lineitem Product Handle (type: text). A human-friendly unique string for the Product automatically generated from its title.
line_items.product.image_src Lineitem Product Image URL (type: text). The image URL for the product.
line_items.product.product_type Lineitem Product Type (type: text).
line_items.product.published_at Lineitem Product Published At (type: datetime). The date and time when the product was last published. Value is null/blank if currently unpublished.
line_items.product.status Lineitem Product Status (type: text). The current status of the product. Valid values:
  • active: The product is ready to sell and is available to customers on the online store, sales channels, and apps. By default, existing products are set to active.
  • archived: The product is no longer being sold and is not available to customers on sales channels and apps.
  • draft: The product is not ready to sell and is unavailable to customers on sales channels and apps. By default, duplicated and unarchived products are set to draft.
line_items.product.tags Lineitem Product Tags (type: text).
line_items.product_id Lineitem Product ID (type: number).
line_items.properties Lineitem Properties (type: text). An array of custom information for an item that has been added to the cart. Often used to provide product customization options. To place a specific line item property into its own column, please click here to see our guide.
line_items.properties.name Lineitem Properties Names (type: text).
line_items.properties.value Lineitem Properties Values (type: text).
line_items.quantity Lineitem Quantity (type: number). The number of items that were purchased.
line_items.refunded_quantity Lineitem Refunded Quantity (type: number).
line_items.refunded_subtotal Lineitem Refunded Subtotal (type: number). The refunded amount for this line item before taxes.
line_items.refunded_total_tax Lineitem Refunded Taxes (type: number). The refunded total tax amount for this line item.
line_items.requires_shipping Lineitem Requires Shipping (type: text). Whether the item requires shipping. Value is either True or False.
line_items.sku Lineitem SKU (type: text).
line_items.smart_collections.handle Lineitem Smart Collections Handles (type: text).
line_items.smart_collections.id Lineitem Smart Collections IDs (type: text).
line_items.smart_collections.published_scope Lineitem Smart Collections Published Scopes (type: text).
line_items.smart_collections.template_suffix Lineitem Smart Collections Template Suffixes (type: text).
line_items.smart_collections.title Lineitem Smart Collections Titles (type: text).
line_items.tax_lines Lineitem Tax Lines (type: text). A list of tax line attributes for this line item.
line_items.tax_lines.price Lineitem Tax Lines Prices (type: text). A comma-separated list of tax line prices.
line_items.tax_lines.rate Lineitem Tax Lines Rates (type: text). A comma-separated list of tax line rates.
line_items.tax_lines.title Lineitem Tax Lines Titles (type: text). A comma-separated list of tax line titles.
line_items.tax_lines.total_price Lineitem Tax Lines Total Price (type: number). The total of all tax line prices.
line_items.taxable Lineitem Taxable (type: text).
line_items.tip_payment_gateway Lineitem Tip Payment Gateway (type: text). The payment gateway used to tender the tip, such as shopify_payments. Present only on tips.
line_items.tip_payment_method Lineitem Tip Payment Method (type: text). The payment method used to tender the tip, such as Visa. Present only on tips.
line_items.title Lineitem Title (type: text). The title of the product.
line_items.total_discount Lineitem Discount (type: number). The total amount of the discount allocated to the line item in the shop currency. This field must be explicitly set using draft orders, Shopify scripts, or the API. This is an old field and Shopify no longer recommends using this, use the field line_items.discount_allocations.total_amount instead.
line_items.total_price Lineitem Total Price (type: number). The total price of the line item before discounts have been applied (price x quantity).
line_items.variant.barcode Lineitem Variant Barcode (type: text).
line_items.variant.compare_at_price Lineitem Variant Compare At Price (type: number). The competitors price for the same item.
line_items.variant.grams Lineitem Variant Grams (type: number).
line_items.variant.image_id Lineitem Variant Image ID (type: number).
line_items.variant.image_src Lineitem Variant Image URL (type: text). The image URL for the variant.
line_items.variant.inventory_item.cost Lineitem Variant Inventory Item Cost (type: number). The current unit cost of the inventory item.
line_items.variant.inventory_item.country_code_of_origin Lineitem Variant Inventory Item Country Code of Origin (type: text). The two-digit code for the country where the inventory item was made.
line_items.variant.inventory_item.harmonized_system_code Lineitem Variant Inventory Item Harmonized System Code (type: text). The general Harmonized System (HS) code for the inventory item. Used by border officers to classify this product.
line_items.variant.inventory_item.province_code_of_origin Lineitem Variant Inventory Item Province Code of Origin (type: text). The two-digit code for the province where the inventory item was made. Used only if the shipping provider for the inventory item is Canada Post.
line_items.variant.inventory_item.tracked Lineitem Variant Inventory Item Tracked (type: text). Whether the inventory item is tracked. If true, then inventory quantity changes are tracked by Shopify.
line_items.variant.inventory_item_id Lineitem Variant Inventory Item ID (type: text).
line_items.variant.inventory_levels.available Lineitem Variant Inventory Levels - Available Quantities (type: text). A comma-separated list of quantity values at the locations that stock this variant.
line_items.variant.inventory_levels.location_id Lineitem Variant Inventory Levels - Location IDs (type: text). A comma-separated list of location IDs that stock this variant.
line_items.variant.inventory_levels.location_name Lineitem Variant Inventory Levels - Location Names (type: text). A comma-separated list of location names that stock this variant.
line_items.variant.inventory_management Lineitem Variant Inventory Management (type: text). Specifies whether or not Shopify tracks the number of items in stock for this product variant.
line_items.variant.inventory_policy Lineitem Variant Inventory Policy (type: text). Specifies whether or not customers are allowed to place an order for a product variant when it's out of stock.
line_items.variant.inventory_quantity Lineitem Variant Inventory Quantity (type: number).
line_items.variant.option1 Lineitem Variant Option 1 (type: text).
line_items.variant.option2 Lineitem Variant Option 2 (type: text).
line_items.variant.option3 Lineitem Variant Option 3 (type: text).
line_items.variant.position Lineitem Variant Position (type: number). The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. 1 is the first position. To reorder variants, update the product with the variants in the desired order.
line_items.variant.weight Lineitem Variant Weight (type: number).
line_items.variant.weight_unit Lineitem Variant Weight Unit (type: text).
line_items.variant_id Lineitem Variant ID (type: number).
line_items.variant_title Lineitem Variant Title (type: text). The title of the product variant.
line_items.vendor Lineitem Vendor (type: text). The name of the supplier of the item.
line_items_count Number of Line Items (type: number). The number of line items in the order.
line_items_name_list List of Lineitem Names (type: text). A list of line item names in the order separated by a comma.
line_items_product_id_list List of Lineitem Product IDs (type: text). A list of line item product IDs in the order separated by a comma.
line_items_sku_list List of Lineitem SKUs (type: text). A list of line item SKUs in the order separated by a comma.
line_items_variant_id_list List of Lineitem Variant IDs (type: text). A list of line item variant IDs in the order separated by a comma.
line_items_vendor_list List of Lineitem Vendors (type: text). A list of line item vendors in the order separated by a comma.
location_id Location ID (type: text). Only present on orders processed at point of sale. The unique numeric identifier for the physical location at which the order was processed.
name Order Name (type: text). The customer's order name as represented by a number (includes the prefix/suffix if specified in the Shopify settings).
note Notes (type: text). An optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order.
note_attributes Note Attributes (type: text). Extra information that is added to the order. Also referred to as cart attributes. To place a specific note attribute into its own column, please click here to see our guide.
note_attributes.name Note Attributes Names (type: text).
note_attributes.value Note Attributes Values (type: text).
number Number (type: number). Numerical identifier unique to the shop. A number is sequential.
order_number Order Number (type: number). A unique numeric identifier for the order (e.g. 1001, without the prefix/suffix). If you're looking for the value that includes the prefix/suffix (e.g. #HA1001), use the name field instead.
order_status_url Order Status URL (type: text). The URL pointing to the order status web page, if applicable.
payment_gateway_names Payment Gateway Names (type: text). The list of all payment gateways used for the order in JSON format (e.g. ["shopify_payments"]). To remove the quotes and square brackets, please click here to see our guide.
payment_terms.due_in_days Payment Terms Due In Days (type: number). The number of days between the invoice date and due date that is defined in the selected payment terms template.
payment_terms.payment_schedules Payment Terms Schedules (type: text). An array of schedules associated to the payment terms.
payment_terms.payment_terms_name Payment Terms Name (type: text). The name of the selected payment terms template for the order.
payment_terms.payment_terms_type Payment Terms Type (type: text). The type of selected payment terms template for the order.
phone Phone (type: text).
po_number PO Number (type: text). The purchase order number associated to this order.
presentment_currency Presentment Currency (type: text). The presentment currency that was used to display prices to the customer.
processed_at Processed At (type: datetime). The date and time when the order was imported. This value can be set to dates in the past when importing from other systems. If no value is provided, it will be auto-generated based on the current date and time in Shopify.
products_count Number of Products (type: number). The number of unique products in the order.
referring_site Referring Site (type: text). The website that the customer clicked on to come to the shop.
refunds Refunds (type: text).
refunds.created_at Refund Dates (type: text).
refunds.id Refund IDs (type: text).
refunds.last_refund.created_at Last Refund Date (type: datetime).
refunds.note Refund Notes (type: text). An optional note attached to the refund.
refunds.transactions.total_amount Refund Transactions Total Amount (type: number). The total refund amount for the order.
refunds.user_id Refund User IDs (type: text). The unique identifier of the user who performed the refund.
risks Risks (type: text).
risks.cause_cancel Risks Cause Cancel (type: text). Indicates to the merchant that this risk was severe enough to force cancellation of the order.
risks.checkout_id Risks Checkout IDs (type: text).
risks.display Risks Display (type: text). States whether or not the risk is displayed.
risks.id Risks IDs (type: text).
risks.message Risks Messages (type: text). A message that should be displayed to the merchant to indicate the results of the fraud check.
risks.recommendation Risks Recommendations (type: text). The recommended action given to the merchant. If there are multiple risk recommendations, the values will be separated by a comma. Valid values:
  • cancel: There is a high level of risk that this order is fraudulent. The merchant should cancel the order.
  • investigate: There is a medium level of risk that this order is fraudulent. The merchant should investigate the order.
  • accept: There is a low level of risk that this order is fraudulent. The order risk found no indication of fraud.
risks.score Risks Scores (type: text). A number between 0 and 1 indicating percentage likelihood of being fraud.
risks.source Risks Sources (type: text). This indicates the source of the risk assessment.
shipping_address.address1 Shipping Address1 (type: text).
shipping_address.address2 Shipping Address2 (type: text).
shipping_address.city Shipping City (type: text).
shipping_address.company Shipping Company (type: text).
shipping_address.country Shipping Country (type: text).
shipping_address.country_code Shipping Country Code (type: text). The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the shipping address.
shipping_address.first_name Shipping First Name (type: text).
shipping_address.last_name Shipping Last Name (type: text).
shipping_address.latitude Shipping Latitude (type: text).
shipping_address.longitude Shipping Longitude (type: text).
shipping_address.name Shipping Name (type: text).
shipping_address.phone Shipping Phone (type: text).
shipping_address.province Shipping Province (type: text).
shipping_address.province_code Shipping Province Code (type: text). The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the shipping address.
shipping_address.zip Shipping Zip (type: text).
shipping_lines Shipping Lines (type: text).
shipping_lines.carrier_identifier Shipping Lines Carrier IDs (type: text). A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present if the rate was computed by a third party carrier service; null otherwise.
shipping_lines.code Shipping Lines Codes (type: text). A reference to the shipping method.
shipping_lines.id Shipping Lines IDs (type: text).
shipping_lines.phone Shipping Lines Phone Numbers (type: text).
shipping_lines.price Shipping Lines Prices (type: text). A list of shipping line prices separated by a comma. If you need the total of all shipping line prices, use the field shipping_lines.total_price instead.
shipping_lines.requested_fulfillment_service_id Shipping Lines Requested Fulfillment Service IDs (type: text). A reference to the fulfillment service that is being requested for the shipping method. Present if shipping method requires processing by a third party fulfillment service; null otherwise.
shipping_lines.source Shipping Lines Sources (type: text). The source of the shipping method.
shipping_lines.tax_lines Shipping Lines Tax Lines (type: text). A list of tax line attributes.
shipping_lines.title Shipping Method (type: text). The title of the shipping method.
shipping_lines.total_price Shipping Lines Total Price (type: number). The total shipping price for this order.
source_identifier Source ID (type: text). Only available for POS orders. The ID of the order placed on the originating platform. The first part of the ID is the POS location_id, the second part is the receipt number.
source_name Source Name (type: text). Where the order originated.
source_url Source URL (type: text). A valid URL to the original order on the originating surface. This URL is displayed to merchants on the Order Details page. If the URL is invalid, then it won't be displayed.
subtotal_price Subtotal (type: number). The price of the order after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips.
tags Tags (type: text). Tags attached to the order, formatted as a string of comma-separated values.
tax_exempt Tax Exempt (type: text). Whether or not an order was exempt from taxes. Value is either True or False.
taxes_included Taxes Included (type: text). Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal. Value is either True or False.
test Test (type: text). Whether this is a test order. Value is either True or False.
token Token (type: text). Unique identifier for a particular order.
total_discounts Discount Amount (type: number). The total discounts applied to the price of the order.
total_line_items_fulfillable_quantity Total Lineitems Fulfillable Quantity (type: number). The sum of all line item fulfillable quantities.
total_line_items_price Total Lineitems Price (type: number). The sum of all line item prices.
total_line_items_quantity Total Lineitems Quantity (type: number). The sum of all line item quantities.
total_outstanding Total Outstanding (type: number). The total outstanding amount of the order in the shop currency (can be null/blank).
total_price Total (type: number). The sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips.
total_tax Taxes (type: number). The sum of all the taxes applied to the order.
total_tip_received Total Tip Received (type: number). The sum of all the tips in the order in the shop currency.
total_weight Total Weight (type: number). The sum of all the weights of the line items in the order, in grams.
transactions Transactions (type: text).
transactions.amount Transactions Amount (type: text). A comma-separated list of transaction amounts (includes failed transactions).
transactions.authorization Transactions Authorization Codes (type: text). A comma-separated list of authorization codes associated with the transactions.
transactions.currency Transactions Currency (type: text).
transactions.device_id Transactions Device IDs (type: text).
transactions.error_code Transactions Error Codes (type: text). A comma-separated list of standardized error codes, independent of the payment provider. Value can be null. Valid values:
  • incorrect_number
  • invalid_number
  • invalid_expiry_date
  • invalid_cvc
  • expired_card
  • incorrect_cvc
  • incorrect_zip
  • incorrect_address
  • card_declined
  • processing_error
  • call_issuer
  • pick_up_card
transactions.gateway Transactions Gateway Names (type: text). A comma-separated list of gateway names the transactions were issued through (includes failed transactions).
transactions.gift_card.receipt Gift Card Transactions Receipts (type: text). A list of receipt attributes for gift card transactions.
transactions.gift_card.total_amount Gift Card Transactions Total Amount (type: number). The total gift card amount applied to the order.
transactions.id Transactions IDs (type: text).
transactions.kind Transactions Kinds (type: text). The kind of transaction (e.g. authorization, capture, sale, void, refund).
transactions.last_successful_transaction.created_at Last Successful Transaction Date (type: datetime).
transactions.message Transactions Messages (type: text).
transactions.payment_details Transactions Payment Details (type: text). A list of attributes containing the payment details (such the credit card company and last 4 digits of the card number) in each transaction.
transactions.receipt Transactions Receipts (type: text). A transaction receipt attached to the transaction by the gateway. The value of this field will vary depending on which gateway the shop is using.
transactions.source_name Transactions Source Names (type: text). The origin of the transaction. This is set by Shopify and cannot be overridden. Example values include: webposiphoneandroid
transactions.status Transactions Status (type: text).
transactions.successful_transactions Successful Transactions (type: text).
transactions.test Transactions Tests (type: text). The option to use the transaction for testing purposes. Valid values are True or False.
transactions.total_refunds Transactions Total Refunds (type: number). The sum of all refund transactions. This is an old field, we recommend using the refunds.transactions.total_amount field instead.
transactions.user_id Transactions User IDs (type: text).
updated_at Updated At (type: datetime). The date and time when the order was last modified.
user_id User ID (type: number). The ID of the user logged into Shopify who processed the order, if applicable.

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Tags: shopify, field reference, shopify fields