How do I export only Shopify orders paid via Klarna EZ Exporter
In the Data Settings, under Custom Filters, simply add a filter where the "Payment Gateway Names" field contains the word "klarna"…
In the Data Settings, under Custom Filters, simply add a filter where the "Payment Gateway Names" field contains the word "klarna"…
In the Data Settings -> Custom Filters, simply add a filter where the "Payment Gateway Names" field contains the word "paypal"…
You can generate a report for "Cash on Delivery" orders by adding the filter below in the Data Settings, under the Custom Filters …
The payment_gateway_names field from the Shopify Order API will contain all gateway names from all order transactions, including failed transact…
In the Custom Filters section of the Data Settings, you can add this filter to only include orders whose payment method is "Shop Pay Instal…