Archiving Orders EZ Importer
When importing orders, you may want to mark them as archived. To do this you'll want to map the closed_at field on the Order Details tab. The close…
When importing orders, you may want to mark them as archived. To do this you'll want to map the closed_at field on the Order Details tab. The close…
You can use prefixes to prepend data to any values in your CSV file. For example, if you have a column in your CSV file called Order Number and you …
Yes, at this time you can add a location to your order. We support adding a location by providing the location_id on the order. To add the location_…
Creating multiple data mappings with similar mappings can be time consuming. In order to make this as easy as possible we've created a way for you t…
No. You need to provide a header row at the top of the csv file. If you do not provide a header row EZ Importer will have no way to map your file d…
Although we do require you to provide an Order Number (also known as the Order Name) in your upload file, you can tell EZ Importer to exclude the fie…
There are times when you may not have all the data in your CSV file and you can't or don't want to edit the file. Editing the file may be tim…
When importing your orders, you may get an error saying a column header is missing from your import file. This error means you have a colu…
Parsing CSV files is no easy task, there are many different formats and character encodings. We've done the best we can to address 80% of the use-ca…
Once you've completed a successful import using EZ Importer, you also have the option to delete the orders previously imported. You can view your…
When importing your orders into Shopify if you provide an address without the last_name or name, address1, country or city fields, Shopify will impor…
There are two types of email notifications that can be sent: Email notifications to customers. Email notifications to store owners. Email Noti…
When importing your orders If you get an error saying Financial status invalid, this means you did not provide the proper finacial_status to Shopify.…
When importing your orders If you get an error saying Fulfillment status invalid, this means you did not provide the proper fulfillment_status to Sho…
You can associate an order with the customer that made the purchase by mapping the customers email address. To do this go to the Data Mappings tab …