Can I connect multiple stores to the same Slack account? EZ Notify
Yes, you can! At the bottom/footer of the Slack message, you'll be able to tell which store the Slack event came from.When using Slack slash commands…
Yes, you can! At the bottom/footer of the Slack message, you'll be able to tell which store the Slack event came from.When using Slack slash commands…
Yes, this feature is available in our Professional Plan! We have an option in the app that allows you to select which fields to include in the Sla…
Yes, this is possible in the Professional Plan!Below are the types of notifications you can get:Created (new customer record is created)UpdatedEnable…
Yes, you can!On the "Event Fields" page, simply select the field called Cart Attributes to include them in the Slack notification message.The message…
Yes, you can!On the "Event Fields" page, simply select the field called Line Items With Custom Options to include the line item properties informatio…
Unfortunately, it's currently not possible to send notifications to specific Slack users. Our app can only send notifications to Slack channel…
1. Open EZ Notify and click the "manage" link. This will open a new window to Slack's website displaying the app's informati…
Your Slack username may not necessarily be the same as the name you see in the Slack workspace. The workspace will show the full name or displa…
You can find then Slack Member ID when viewing a user's profile in Slack and clicking the "..." More button:
To completely revoke EZ Notify's access to your Slack workspace, follow the steps below. 1. Click the name of your workspace at the top right …
With Slack's new granular permissions requirement, it is now necessary to first invite the EZ Notify bot in a private channel before that ch…
If you have EZ Notify installed on mulitple stores you may notice that you retrieve orders, products and customers from all stores when using slash c…
EZ Notify supports the following Customer events: Created (new customer record is created) Updated Enabled (customer activates their accoun…
EZ Notify supports the following Order events:CreatedUpdatedPaidCanceledDeletedPartially FulfilledFulfilled
You probably have the Orders Updated event registered in addition to other order events.The Orders Updated event will send a notification to Slack fo…