Can I export refunds at the line item level from my Shopify orders? EZ Exporter
In the Data Settings of EZ Exporter, you can select the following line item fields related to refunds: line_items.refunded_quantity line_item…
In the Data Settings of EZ Exporter, you can select the following line item fields related to refunds: line_items.refunded_quantity line_item…
For the "Shopify Payments" gateway, the exchange is stored under refunds > transactions > balance_transaction > exchange_rate. …
In the Data Settings, under Custom Filters, you can add this filter to only export line items that were removed via an order edit or fully refunded: …
The refund transaction data in the Shopify order only provides the amount in the customer's currency. A workaround to get the refund amount in…
In EZ Exporter, we have a preset field called, which is a comma-separated list of refund IDs for the entire order. If you nee…
Since it's possible for a Shopify order to have multiple refund transactions, this gets a bit more complicated as we'll need to parse a&…
When you remove a line item during an order edit, what Shopify does on the backend is "refund" this line item (more info here). The Shop…
In EZ Exporter, there's a pre-computed field called refunds.transactions.total_amount which will export the total amount of all refund trans…
In EZ Exporter, you may notice that in the Data Settings > Filters > Payment Status, you can only set one type of payment status. The reason…
EZ Exporter has a pre-computed field called "Last Refund Date" that we can use to filter the order data for this use case. To export onl…
To export the refunded subtotal (i.e. excluding taxes) of all refunded line items from a Shopify order, you can use the formula below …
To export the refunded total (including taxes) of all refunded line items from a Shopify order, you can use the formula below in the&n…
You can export the refund reason with EZ Exporter by selecting the field called refunds.note.
You can use the formula below in the Calculated Fields to export the restock status of each refunded line item in a Shopify order: ","…
You can select the following fields to export the shipping refund order adjustments (note that these values are negative): refunds.order_adjust…