EZ Exporter: Customer Export Now Available

We're happy to announce that EZ Exporter now supports exporting of customer data!

This allows you to create very customized customer reports. Just like the order and product exports, you can include metafields in your reports as well and automate them.

Below are some things you can do with Customer Exports.

Create custom CSVs for other platforms

Create multiple presets for the different platforms that you use, selecting only the fields that you need.

For example, you may need to update your Facebook custom audience or Mailchimp email list from time to time. With EZ Exporter, you can create separate templates for these two platforms so you can quickly generate a CSV for each one as needed. You can, of course, automate the process as well by scheduling it and have the report sent to a team member.

Receive a daily email report of new customers

The Customer Data Settings has a filter option called Since Last Run.

What this filter does is include only customers that were created since the report last ran. So you can create a scheduled report that runs at 9am every day that includes only new customers. If there are no new customers since the last time the report ran, no email will be sent as it would be pretty annoying to get an email with a blank report.

Segmenting your customers using custom filters

EZ Exporter provides custom filters that allows you to segment your customers.

For example, you can create a custom report with the following conditions:

Total Spent is greater than 1000


Total Spent is less than 25000

You may then want to send an email just to these customers and offer them a coupon.

Create custom dynamic fields using a formula

Our app supports a feature called Calculated Fields.

This feature allows you to do dynamic calculations and manipulation of data from other fields. Below are some examples of what you can use this for:

  • Manipulate the text (such as making them all uppercase, truncating them, replacing a certain character with another, etc.).
  • Arithmetic operation on number/money fields.
  • Conditional expressions (e.g. if total_spent is greater than 5000, then place the text "Big Spender" in the cell).
  • Use built-in functions (such as md5_hash(), which you can run against the customer's email address and view their avatar if they use Gravatar).

These are just a few examples of what you can do with your customer data using EZ Exporter. We hope that you'll find this new feature useful to your business!

Tags: new features, shopify, csv export, ez exporter, reporting, metafields