EZ Exporter: Filtering by Blank Values Is Now Available

We've recently pushed an update to EZ Exporter to include new filtering conditions for blank values.

In the Custom Filters section of the Data Settings, you will now see these two additional options:

  • is blank
  • is not blank

This comes very handy when you need to filter your records based on whether a field in the data is blank.

One use case, for example, is when you need a CSV export that includes both Open and Closed/Archived orders, but excludes all Cancelled orders. This was actually a real use case that came form one of our customers and that's when we decided to add these options.

Since the main filters only have the options "Any", "Open", "Closed", or "Cancelled", there was no way to filter by a combination of order status. With the "is blank" and "is not blank" conditions, this becomes possible as you can now do something like this:

  • Order Status is Any
  • Cancelled At is blank

The "Cancelled At" field will only contain a value if the order was cancelled, so this basically creates a report that excludes all orders that were cancelled.

Other potential use cases:

  • Create a Product/Inventory report of only products that have a SKU (Variant SKU is not blank)
  • Create a Customer report of customers without tags (Tags is blank)
  • Create an Order report of only orders with a referring site (Referring Site is not blank)

There's probably a bunch of other use cases out there for these new filtering conditions. Just to give a full list of all the conditions EZ Exporter supports, I'll mention them below:

  • is
  • is not
  • starts with
  • ends with
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • is greater than
  • is less than
  • is blank
  • is not blank

Hope you find these useful!

Tags: new features, csv export, ez exporter, reporting